Part 37

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Sterling slowly moved her gaze from Blair to April. April was still looking away to the floor.
"What?" Sterling said to April slowly, and quietly. If April had anything to do with Wendy then April was caught up with bounty hunters. Or is a bounty hunter. And the way Blair is talking means..... means April knows me and Blair are too. Oh God, does that means she knows who caught her dad....

"Well you two aren't exactly innocent parties in this either, you teenage bounty hunters." April snapped back. Sterling and Blair glanced at each other. "I happened upon her by chance. It would've been a waste to let that pass me by. I needed -" April stopped herself and took a breath. She softened her voice and lowered the volume, and finished, "I needed the money."

"Hold on." Sterling held her hands up to stop conversation as she tried to understand. Blair was stood with her hands on her hips.
"So, you're.... you.... arrested Wendy?" Sterling asked April. April looked at Sterling and slowly nodded her head.
"And this isn't..... isn't the first time you've.... arrested someone?"
April shook her head slowly.
"So, you know that we...." Sterling pointed at herself and Blair, "we also.... arrest people."
April nodded her head slowly again. "I haven't known for long. When I saw you guys with Bowser at school I did some digging, and found out that you've worked with him before."
"So you know who Bowser is then." Blair chipped in. April turned to look at Blair and nodded quickly.

The three stood in silence for a moment in April's kitchen. "So I guess we're all in the same boat. I won't tell if you won't...?" April said with a hopeful inflection at the end.

Sterling had a lot of thoughts going around her head. April was a bounty hunter. Explains how she was so good at aiming and shooting at the arcade that time. Explains her weirdness when Bowser turned up at school. Explains her turning up late to art exhibition - she had just caught Wendy then, Sterling assumed. From April's reaction and demeaner right now though, Sterling could safely say she doesn't know it was them that put her dad away, which was a relief.

"I have so many questions still..." said Sterling. "I mean, why?"

April sighed and lifted her hands, then let them fall. "To help with legal fees for my dad..." she said slowly."We were struggling. Like, really struggling. Mom and dad don't know about it, they think I have some part time job."
"Well you kinda do" said Blair. April smiled a little, for the first time during this conversation.

"Ok, so unfortunately the rest of this conversation will have to wait. Sterling, we have to go. I can only cover for you for so long from mom and dad." Blair said firmly. She turned to head towards the front door. "I'll be in the car. Don't be too long." she said as she walked away from Sterling and April.

Sterling turned and looked at April; she looked sheepish, and maybe a little worried. Sterling put her hand on April's lower back and rubbed, then put her other arm round April in a tight hug. April gripped Sterling and buried her head in Sterling's chest. "We'll talk more about this later?" Sterling said. April nodded, head still buried in Sterling's chest. April lifted her head and rubbed her eyes a little. Sterling gently kissed her, then stepped away to pick up her dress which was still on the floor from last night. She then turned to head up the stairs to change.

Sterling descended the stairs fully changed with her bag in tow. April was stood in the hallway with both hands round a mug of coffee, still in her dressing gown. April looked up and smiled at Sterling, and held her hand out as Sterling reached the bottom. Sterling squeezed April's hand and gave her a kiss. "I'd better run" Sterling said as she walked towards the front door. "Ok, hope everything goes ok at home." April said. Sterling closed the door behind her and jogged to the car where Blair was waiting.

April turned away from her front door and looked around the hallway. That wasn't quite what she had in mind for her morning alone with Sterling. Despite the conversation just had, April smiled as she walked to the kitchen. She thought about last night. She loved being that intimate with Sterling. She replayed parts in her head, and replayed how Sterling had made her feel. Her body tingled as she sipped her coffee, and she chuckled happily to herself.
She would address the bounty hunting later - there was a lot more to be discussed with Sterling and Blair - but right now all she wanted to think about was last night.

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