Part 39

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Blair opened the front door to the Wesley house slowly, and listened for any movement. Nothing. Mom and dad must be still asleep, she thought.
She turned round and nodded to Sterling who was crouched behind her. Sterling had changed into jeans and a jumper that Blair had brought; thinking ahead that she couldn't turn up home still in that red dress. Sterling had not so gracefully changed in the back of the car as they pulled up into the driveway.

The two girls sneaked in through the front door, being careful to keep it as closed as possible. They shut it gently and creeped across the hall towards the stairs.
Sterling heard a loud cough from the kitchen, and her body froze. She moved her eyes and saw her mom stood in the doorway, hands on hips with a stern expression on her face.
"Oh, er, hi mom. We were just, erm -" Sterling looking at Blair who had also froze, but then stood up defiantly. "We just got breakfast from town together. I felt Sterling deserved it after all the effort she put into the excellent exhibition yesterday." Nice save Blair, thought Sterling. This isn't your first rodeo.

"Well a heads up would've been nice. I've made breakfast" she turned her body to reveal plates on the kitchen table of cooked breakfast item: sausage, egg, mushroom, bacon, tomatoes, and more.
Sterling's eyes widened. She was starving. "Oh there's definitely still room for more. I only had a slice of toast" she said as she walked quickly towards the kitchen and almost through her mom, the thought of breakfast filling her mind.
"Me too. Orange juice and a muffin does not constitute a balanced breakfast for me." Blair hurriedly followed Sterling and they both sat down and started eating hungrily. Debbie had turned in the doorway to watch her children rush into the kitchen and begin to inhale her food. She laughed to herself and dropped her hands from her hips.

"So how was the party?" Debbie asked the two. "Did you have fun? What went down?" Debbie continued as she stepped out the kitchen briefly to grab some extra plates.
"What, besides Sterling?" Blair replied, as she turned to smirk at her sister. Sterling punched her in the shoulder again.

"What was that?" Debbie asked as she returned to the kitchen.
"Oh nothing. Just that Sterling and April had to deal with some pretty messed up hate "
Debbie's eyes softened and her face turned to sorrow. "Oh Sterling I'm so sorry. What happened? Do you want to talk about it?"
"No it's ok mom. I think we handled it pretty well. Turns out we have some excellent defenders in our corner." she smiled at Blair, and Blair did a mini salute back. "Anytime, boss" she said.
Debbie smiled. She didn't know the details but she didn't have to. One of her daughters stood up for the other, and that made her extremely proud.

The family finished breakfast and cleared away their dishes as they finished. Sterling and Blair rushed upstairs to get showered and ready for the day, not that they had plans for it really. They both had just been looking to the art exhibition and after party, and not past it. As Blair got changed for the day she thought of what she could do. Maybe Sterling would want to go to the movies or shopping or lunch or something. Oh there's that new escape room in town, Blair thought. We could do that today.

A few rooms down the hall, Sterling lay on her bed with her phone infront of her. She had already showered and changed. "So what are we doing today?" April had texted. Sterling was halfway through composing a reply suggesting a number of things, when Blair burst in.
"Hey! So. Do you want to catch a movie today? Or get lunch at that new Mexican place? Or do an escape room!" Blair asked excitedly.
Sterling turned to see her sister stood in the middle of the room, looking expectantly at her.
"Oh, actually I thought, erm...." Sterling pointed at her phone. Indicating she was texting April. Blair's smile fell slowly from her face and her shoulders slumped a little. "Oh. Okay. Yeah, no, that's totally fine." Blair put on a smile again. "I'll just, see you later then."

Blair turned to walk out of the room. Sterling looked at her phone again, then turned to catch her sister before she left the room "Wait Blair". Blair stopped and turned round . Sterling threw her legs off her bed and stood up straight. "Mexican and a movie sounds great." Sterling said.
Blair smiled and lifted her arms excitedly. "Yes!" She said. She walked to Sterling and put one arm round her shoulders, and guided her out of the bedroom. "So movie-wise I was thinking, Midnight Curse? Haunting Of Woodman's Cave? The Scorned?"
Sterling looked at Blair. "Romantic comedies, right?" They both laughed as they walked down the stairs to head out.

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