Chapter 5

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"Hey Amaris. Wait up."-Stiles said as he ran up to me leaving the school.

"Hey how was our day?"-I asked smiling.

"It was good. If you are free, can you join me for a group study?"

"On what exactly?"

"Lycanthropy."-He said in a 'duh' tone. Certainly, why would he even ask me for group study when there isn't an exam tomorrow.

"Alright. I will meet you in your driveway."

"Okay. Yeah. Good. So.....bye."-He shuddered miserably.

"Yeah bye."-I said and moved towards where my car was parked.

Awkarldy I found Stiles glancing at me. I shaved it aside and hit the gas.


2hrs later.

So basically Stiles and I were talking about today's lacrosse game where Scott nearly changed. He and I made a plan to do a video call at night with Scotty.

So right now I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in front of me.

So right now I was sitting on my bed with my laptop in front of me

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I had a book on werewolves I found in the library at my home. I was skimming through the pages reading about things. When my laptop suddenly made a noise and Stile's face popped up with Scott's little video on a spilt screen. I turned to them and smiled.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey Amaris."

"I found this book on werewolves and stuff. It looks kind of genuine, it says something about this plant that a hrm werewolves badly. It also has a small mention of hunters. Whereas the thing about silver killing a werewolf is kind of a rumor cause it says the hunters use it to symbolise their name and power. Where silver does kill the dark demonic spirit...And the page is torn at this end. Beside this is a picture of Zeus and Lycan. I didn't read about the history. But from what this book told, the shift can be caused through anything that's why a werewolf must find its 'anchor' which is English for ancoră in Romanian."

"Hmmm. Someone is doing their homework."-Stiles chirped in his fake flirty and bossy voice.

"Cause the both of you morons do not understand this. This town is plagued with hunters. And by default Scott is dating the leader's daughter. How poetically ironical. And I don't want Scott to become a lab rat for American intelligence."-I said and sighed followed by Scott and Stiles sighing or nodding.

I started as Stile's text arrived 'Scott looks like' but the connection froze his video, but as soon as the second text came Scott was dragged across the room and slammed onto a wall by Derek Hale.

A small yelp made its way to my throat which I held with my hand. Derek warned Scott about the game and then was about to leave when his sight got fixed on the screen for a minute. I looked awkwardly at the small rectangular self-view. But before I would turn my mother open the door.

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