Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day and we were waiting to see what my new sibling could be. It smelled like pine trees, I could see people crowding around, eager to see what it could be. I could hear the kids playing, the birds chirping, and the frogs crowing. I could hear the dogs barking and cars driving by.  We were surrounded by tall trees and a berry bush next to us. As we were ready to see what it could be I could see my aunt and uncle walking out with the water guns that would reveal what it would be. As me and my siblings scouted the water gun I could hear everyone's excitement and could see some upsate that it's not what they wanted it to be. I could still hear the kids playing and running around. They were smiling as they had the times of their life before they had to go.
As everyone left I could see the mass what was left behind. As I was cleaning I could hear the birds chirping their last song before they went to sleep for tonight. As I was walking I could see a necklace. I walked toward it hoping it belongs to someone I know. I picked it up, the  gem was shining and it had a very beautiful blue with real silver. I heard my mom calling my name and saw that my dogs were running towards me. They looked so happy to see me after the party. The sun set was so beautiful and I could hear the frogs croaking and the bats flying around. I clinched the necklace tight, "I wonder who would leave this behind" I mumbled  to myself as I walked inside with my dogs behind me. As I walked inside I could see my sisters and brother doing their own thing. "Hey Okely , can you clean the table really quick and then you can do your own thing?" I heard my dad say as he walked to the kitchen. I put the necklace on. "I'll wear it until I find who it belongs to," I thought to myself as I cleaned the table. As I was cleaning my sister looked at me. "When did you get that necklace, I don't remember you having that." katlen asks, smiling like she had the worst idea then she ever had in her 11 years of life. "I found it," I told her as her smile faded. "Does mom and dad know that you have that?" She was looking in the kitchen now. "They do." I lied to her but if i told her the truth, she would have taken it and never given it back to the real owner of the necklace
That night I couldn't sleep. I got up and walked out of my bedroom. I saw one of my dogs was still awake. "Come on beauty" I told her. He got up and we walked outside. The night air felt cold. The stars looked as they were dancing in the night sky. It was silent and the only sound I heard was my dog walking around and myself breathing. The only light that was there was the moonlight and my phone as I listened to music. "I shouldn't wear a shirt and shorts." I thought to myself as the night air felt could agents my skin. As I was thinking to myself, I saw a blue light. "That's weird." I said to myself. I picked up my dog and then walked toward it. There was a blue portal where the necklace was. As I was about to run off the necklace started to glow the same blue as the portal. I decided to test something. I walked away from the portal and the necklace would stop glowing and when I walked toward it the necklace would start to glow agen. I walked back to my house, put my dog down and graded a jacket.  "God, I wish I didn't have blond hair," I said to beauty. She wagged her tail and walked by me as we went to the portal. I looked around, it was still night time. The only sound I heard was the leaves crunching under our feet. I checked what time it was on my phone, it said that it was 12:30. "Wow, I'm usually asleep by now." I told beauty. As we walked to the portal I picked up beauty. "Ready girl?" I asked her. She was wagging her tail and she looked like she was smiling. "Ok." I told her. As I walked into the portal, I could feel that it was a tad bit warmer than the night air. As me and beauty walked I could see an end. "That wasn't long." I looked at beauty. As we walked out I could see that this world was completely different from the one I know.
The tree leaves were the green, orange, or red that I was usto, instead it was blue and purple. The flowers were so different then ones that I see every day, the waterfall looked like it was mystical. Everything looked mystical, it looked like it came out of a fairytale or a child tv show that my sisters and brother watched. I was amazed. "Can you stop looking and can we actually explore?" I heard someone say. I looked down and beauty was looking up at me. "Will?" she said. I jumped. "What the."  I was on the ground and looking at her in shock. "Don't say anything until you look at yourself." I pulled out my phone and went to the camera. I was shocked. Instead of long blond hair I had short brown hair and my blue eyes were now green. I was not even a girl anymore inside, I was a boy. "What happened?" I asked her as I got up. "I don't know, one minute I couldn't talk  and then the next minute I could talk ." she said with a sassy tone. I looked around again and I could see someone. "I think we are being watched." I told beauty. She looked where I was looking. " I think you are right," she said as she began to grow. "Beauty stops, we shouldn't." I said, as I was worried about what they would do to us. As we tried to walk away from the spot, we heard someone shout something. When we turned around, we could see someone running toward us. I picked up beauty as quickly as I could and ran. As I was running I could still hear that person shouting something and beauty talking at the same time. I could also smell  like  cinnamon rolls. I looked over to see where the smell was coming from. There was a flower that was light brown and white with bits of dark brown. It kinda looked like a cinnamon roll. 'THIS PLACE IS WEIRD!" I yelled while still running. "MAYBE IF YOU LIVED THAT NECKLACE ALONE WE WON'T BE HERE!" beauty yelled back. "BOY IF YOU DON"T STOP RUNNING!" the person yelled back. "HOW DO WE KNOW YOUR NOT GOING TO HURT US!" I yelled at the person that was still chasing us. "I WONT I SWEAR!" the person said. I stopped running and looked at the person. The person was a boy, looked about my age, he had black hair and green eyes, he wore a soldier uniform. The uniform was red with yellow lase on each shoulder, it was a button up and he had badges on his uniform. "Who are you?" he asked. "We will never tell you until the day we die." beauty said with a hiss in her voice. "Maybe I can help you guys. I saw you two come out of that portal or whatever it is." he said, while  looking at beauty. I can tell that they didn't like each other, but as long as they didn't try and kill each other I think we would be fine. "So your name?" "His name is Okely and I'm Beauty." She looked at me and looked at the guy. She looked as if she was going to attack him. "My name is Aidan." he said, still looking at me. I can't tell if he hates me or just wants me gone. "Come on, we need to go before night falls. There are things in the night that might kill us." he said walking away.

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