Chapter 5

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Okely was walking around the town and seeing what could be there that wasn't in his world. As he walked around he saw Aiden and some other grades at a restaurant. "What's going on in there?" he mumbled to himself. As he walked past he could feel aidens stare. "Hey, okely." Aiden said with a smile. Okely turned around and saw that Aiden was walking to him."I'm going to need you to leave the areia." okely looked at him and sighed. "Aiden you're kinda late to that, I was leaving." okely said with a hit of tiredness in his voice. "Ok and make sure beauty is back before dark." okely nodded to him and walked away. If we were being honest, okely kinda wanted to see why he and beauty can't go outside at night. So he made a plan to sneak out when Aiden was not there and explore the weeping woods or the forest that he and beauty was first in when they came to this world. As he was making a plan, he ran into a boy with light brown hair. "Oh god i'm so sorry." okely said as he looked at the boy. "It's ok, I would be the one saying sorry. I ran into you." the boy said to okely. Okely could see that the boy had a hit of crouesty in his eyes. "I'm Nicholas and what's your name?" okely looked around and then back at the boy, okely dident know if he should give his name or not. "Im okely." he said with a nervous voice. "Never hear that name anywhere so you must be new?" okely was unested on why nicholas wanted to get to know okely so fast. As he was about to answer his mouth was covered by someone. "Nicholas, why don't you get out of here and pulse you should not be here."  okely knowed that voice and it was Aiden. Oakley was now a bit more relaxed but not at the fact that Nicholas was not supposed to be here. " Why do you always ruin my fun?"  Aiden shot  a glare and with that we walked off. "Don't ever talk to him again." okely nodded. As they were walking to gabes and maddy's house okely asked him why he cant talk to that person and aiden shot him a glare. That same glare his sister gave him when they first met at weeping woods and to be fair, okely was scared of that glare. He turned his head as fast as he could and walked a little bit faster than normal. As he was walking he remembered the glare and the creepy smile that rosely had given him. He also remembered what she said to Aiden about why he dyed his hair black. Why did he dye his hair black? Was he trying to hide something. Know that he thanks about it  his mom had red hair and his dad had dark red hair in the family photo. Why was his sister not in the family photo? Aiden could see that he was thinking about stuff. "You know, you can ask me anything." okely looked at him and sigh. "Ok i will when i do have anything that comes to mind.

Sometimes what's happening is the bast Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora