Chapter 2

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We walked into a town. The town was beautiful, the street lights looked like they did in the 18th century. The house was made of bricks. There were some blue and purple trees but they had fairy lights in them. Instead of the roads and sidewalks that I was used to, it was stone bricks. There were shops and bakeries everywhere . As I was looking at the town  Aidan was trying to figure out what Beauty was and was trying to find out why I was so amazed. "Are you two hungry?" He asked to take us to one of the shops. "Oh and do you need new clothes-" he was cut off by a boy and a girl who looked a bit younger than us. They both had blond hair, the boy had blue eyes while the girl also had green eyes. The boy was wearing a white shirt with nice dressing pants and the girl was wearing a white dress. "Who is that?" the girl asked, tilting her head. "Maddy, Gabe. This is Oakely. He is new around here." he said while looking at me. "Where are you originally from? Roseyvill? Angel city?" he gasped with excitement. " Please tell me you are from Star City!" He had excitement in his eyes. Like a kid who got a puppy or candy. "I'm sorry we are not from there." beauty said as she looked at me. Oh was all he said. "I'm sorry about my brother. He just really wants to go to Star City." Maddy said, looking at Gabe and Aiden. "Ya. That's his dream."  Aiden said looking at me and then gave beauty a look. I sawren that Beauty  wanted to attack him right then and there. "It was nice seeing you guys but we need to get some food and clothes. See you." Aiden was now dragging me and beauty around the store to get the stuff we needed and then left for his house.
His house was very clean and organised. He had three bedrooms and one bathroom. His living room had a family picture with him and his parents. He had a fireplace and some flowers around the house. The bedroom that I was staying in was very roomy and had a very comfortable bed. I was sitting on the bed and looking around, then I remembered that I had my phone with me the whole time. I took it out and opened it. As i was doing that aiden walked into the room with gabe by him. "Hm you have one of those." Aiden then gave me a charger. "Um thanks?" Gabe knew that I was conferred. "We have phones but they are usiley for the rich and it's kinda shocking that you have one." Gade said very happy. I don't know why he's happy but I'm going with he's happy just to be here, unlike beauty. Now that I think about it Gabe and Beauty are the complaint opesets. As i was thinking aiden asked me where me and beauty was from. "Not around here that's for sure."  Beauty didnt like him or Gabe. Aiden was understandable, he kinda mane  and doesn't like talking to us and when he does it usley comes out rude. But Gab, he was a very happy person and couldn't hurt a fly. I don't understand her sometimes. " Do you want to come with me?"  Aiden asked. I nodded my head and knew where we were going. I got up and walked over to him. "We're  going to the weeping woods to get some wood for a fire?" "ok" i looked at gabe and him and beauty was talking about something. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I kept hearing something about rose? I didn't know why they were talking about roses or how it even got brought up.
We were walking in the weeping woods and it was a different wood this time. The wood was a dark pink instead of the blue and purple it was originally. And there were fireflies everywhere, I could hear frogs and small dazys. Aiden had an axe and was walking towards a tree. As he was about to swing we heard a voice. "what are you doing?" We turned around and saw a girl. She had  rosey red hair and light blue eyes. She looked around our age or a bit older. And by  her look she was not too happy. "Look rosey, we need the wood, ok" so that's rosey she looked at me and looked a bit shocked. "Aiden you didn't tell me you had friends"  she smelled. "Also mom and dad is mad that you dye your hair and why out of all colors black.'' I looked at Aiden and then looked at rosey. " You two are brother and sister?"  "Okely don't get into this" Aiden looked at me and then rosey. She looked at me with a smile that I will never forget. That sick smile will haunt me until the day I die. I stepped back a little and looked at aiden. Aiden looked at me and stepped towards her a little. "Look rosey we will leave but just leave me and okely alone ok" then he graded me and we left. As me and Aiden were walking away I could see Rosey whacking with that same sick smile and then turned around and walked the other way. I turned to look at aiden "what's with that smile that she gave me"  aiden looked at me then looked away. "It's nothing," he said with a sigh. I took that as a don't talk about it anymore.
We got back and saw that Gabe was passed out and beauty was yelling about something. "What happened with gabe?" I looked at beauty and aiden. "HE PASSED OUT FOR NO REASON!" beauty yelled. 'He does that sometimes, we just need to get him home." Aiden took Gabe and picked him up. He then looked at me and beauty. "I'm going to take him home, and go to the palace then I'll be back." me and beauty looked at each other and back at him. "Palace?" "ya that's where i work." me and beauty looked at each other again. "Don't you have any where you're from?" he said as he started to walk out of the house. "No we don't" he looked at us with a weird look. "That's weird." he then left the house  with gabe still passed out. "That's not weird." beauty said as she looked around. "Why doesn't he have any pictures of his sister or family photo with his sister?" I mumbled as I walked back to the room I was staying in. When I walked in I saw that there was more clothing. I walked up to them and took them out. There were 3 shirts, 3 pantes, 2 pjs, and a hoodie. The hoodie looked like it could fit aiden. I sighed and put the hoodie on. It was way too big on me. I was kinda angry that it was. "I'm coming in." yelled beauty. As she walked in she found another necklace but instead of it being blue it was pink. "Where did you find that ?" I said as I took off the hoodie. "It was in aiden room, i took it and now i can turn into a human lol." she said as she looked at me. "Bro why were you in his room you're going to kill us." "in whose room?" me and beauty looked over and saw aiden and this time he looked mad instead of the blank emotions he usually had. "I'm sorry aidan it was my idea and okely didn't have anything to do with this or known that i was in your room.: aiden looked at me and asked if that was true but i didnt what beauty to be in trudal. "I did and I know I should have not let her go in your room but I was very curious about the pink necklace." beauty looked at me with a look to tell me to shut up. "Okely you don't have to lie and don't say you're not. I know when you and beauty are." I looked at him and saw that he was not mad anymore then looked away. "Beauty, can you please give me that necklace back." she late out a sign of relave and gave him the necklace back. "It's getting late, i'll grab you guys some blankets ok.'' I looked at him, then opened my mouth but dissuaded myself from thinking that what I was going to say was stuped and closed my mouth. " what about dinner?" asked beauty. "I'm used to not  eating supper but I forgot that you two are different, i'll make something." he walked away and i turned around and flopped on the bed. "Time is different here. It was 12 when we left our world and when we got here it was 1." beauty pointed out. "I didn't know." I said' tired. "I'm going to take a quick nap." I said and with that I went to sleep.
I heard Aiden saying something and opened my eyes with Aiden close to the side of my bed and beauty talking crap about him in front of him. He didn't look pleased and looked at beauty. "Don't you ever shut up?" She gasped and looked at me and saw that I was awake.
'Okely Aiden is being mean to me."and?" Aiden siad. "I'M ABOUT TO BIT YOU!" beauty yelled. She was getting made. "AND ALSO STOP WACKING OKELY EVERY MOVE IT GETS AAAAA." beauty stormed off. Aiden looked at me and saw that I was awake, he smiled weakly. "I hope that we didn't wake you up." I sighed  and rolled over on my stomach. "Is dinner done?" I asked, baring my face in the pallows. "It's done, I just asked you something?" I looked at him and then bared my face back into the pallows. "What is it?" He looked at me and then at my back. "Are you allergic to something?" I looked at him and told him that I couldn't have shellfish. He looked at me and back at my back, I tilted my head in confusion. "Is there something wrong with my back?" He looked at me and then put his hand on my back. "There is, there's a big scratch or bruise." I looked at him and looked at his hand. "Don't touch it." He looked at me and did the opposite of what I told him. "DUCK" I yelled.  "If it hurts that much go to the doc." I looked at him with teary eyes. "Why don't you do what I asked, hm?"  I was mad at him but I know that he was only trying to help. "Why don't you sleep in my bed tonight, it's more confrdal than this bed." Was he trying to hit on me? "No thank you but thanks for the offer." i said then went back to sleep.        

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