The Trip

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The alarm clock next to Izuku's bed sounded waking him from yet another nightmare. This time instead of just his father deserting him for being a quirkless reject, it was his mother too. He could still hear their words echoing through his head, saying that he'd never amount to anything. Telling him that he would never become a hero. Reminding himself that this was just a dream, he shook it off and checked the time wondering just about how long he had before he had to drag himself to class. Oh crap, class starts in ten minutes! Izuku leaped out of bed and quickly threw on the first uniform he could find before brushing his teeth and rushing down the stairs. God forbid he was late again. The last time he was late Aizawa Sensei had yelled at him for a solid ten minutes before assigning him lunch detention. Not that the lunch detention really mattered to Izuku anyway, he preferred to be alone. He'd never tell his friends that, but sometimes he craved a silence that was not there when he was with them. Unless he was with Todoroki that is, he never seemed to have much to say except for that one time he told Izuku his entire life story. To be honest, that kind of freaked Izuku out. He had barely known his classmate and here he was accusing him of being the son of All Might and telling his tragic backstory. Izuku nearly tripped into the door not realizing how lost in his thoughts he had become.

"Watch where your going Nerd!" A gravely voice growled behind him causing him to jump back in surprise and fall on the floor. Above him stood his old childhood best friend looking like he'd enjoy nothing more than to blast him to the center of the earth. He sprang up stepping out of the way and apologized before the blond muttered about him being "a stupid Deku" and walking into the room.

~~Time skip to class time brought by Izuku's awkwardness~~

Aizawa Sensei walked into the room looking as if he'd never slept a day in his life. Of course, all of his students knew this to be extremely untrue. Izuku sank in his desk watching his teacher try to make Kaminari sit down until the man made his way to the front of the room.

"The teacher is fixing to make an announcement! Everyone get to your seat and pay attention!" Iida commanded making his signature 90-degree hand chops. Izuku loved his friends, but god Iida could be so annoying and controlling sometimes. He acted as if he were the class dad, always demanding respect and telling everyone what to do. Izuku never knew exactly how a proper father was supposed to act, but he sincerely hoped they were not all so controlling. 

" Thank you, Iida," Aizawa said mentally rolling his eyes, " I do have an announcement to make. Our class will be going on another training trip." Cheers erupted in the class as Izuku stared at his teacher. Surely they can't be doing this. It's extremely dangerous especially considering Kacchan was kidnapped on our last trip. Who's to say that the LOV wouldn't find us again and kidnap him? Or worse one of the other students. Apparently, Izuku wasn't the only concerned student as Tsuyu was also looking wary of the idea.

" Wouldn't that be a little dangerous *kero* considering they took Bakugou on our last training trip?"

" I understand your concern, but we will take further caution this time. More of the staff will join us and we will have you students continuously chaperoned to prevent any incidents," their teacher replied, " Plus we will be going to a lesser-known place in a more secluded area."

"Yeah, Tsuyu don't ruin this trip for us," Mineta the perv said from behind her.

"I hope they kidnap you next *Ribbit*."

"Where will be going Mr. Aizawa?" Iida asked desperate to change the subject before the grape-headed perv said something that would make Tsuyu beat him up.

"A small town on the outskirts of Tokyo. The school has an old training facility there called the 20th Ward."

Izuku's interest peeked, he still didn't believe that going was a good idea, and he was dreading most of the trip, but he had heard the training facility had been where some of the most elite pro heroes had trained. However, the idea of being near Tokyo made him slightly squeamish. He had only been there once, and it was not an experience he wanted to repeat. His father had brought him along for a business trip, one of which Izuku did not know would include being held at gunpoint by an opposing company. Then he watched as his father murdered everyone in the room sparing him only because his mother would "pitch a fit" if he weren't to come home.

His teacher informed the class they would be leaving in the morning and sent the students to their dorms to pack. Izuku leaped out of his desk and ran to the dorm determined not to be social today ,as his thoughts and the upcoming trip didn't have him in the best of moods. He pulled an old backpack out of his closet and threw in some shorts, a few tank tops, socks, and a few of his "t-shirt" t-shirts before moving to his bed. Crouching, he felt along the bottom until his fingers grazed the small chest underneath. Putting in his code, he gently opened the lip revealing his new special item from Hatsume. It was similar to Kacchan's gauntlet in how it worked by channeling Izuku's "wind blasts" so that he could more directly aim them at his opponent. He carefully loaded it into his bag making sure it was wrapped up and would not get hurt. He supposed he was ready for his trip. 

~~Time skip brought by Izuku's terrible fashion sense~~

It was 5:00 in the morning. Five. In. The. Morning. Izuku was ready to cuss someone out. Usually, he was a pretty nice and chill person, but he was not like that at all in the morning. It took everything in him not to growl at Uraraka when she came bounding up to talk to him. More often than not he found himself getting aggravated with her. She had claimed to be his best friend and to even like him, but that had all changed the moment Iida had showed any interest in her. Now all she ever talked about was Iida and it seemed to Izuku that she was comparing them every time they were all together.

" Hey Deku," she giggled almost levitating to come see him. He despised how she deigned to always call him by his bully's insult name. The only reason it was actually his hero name was because she had suggested it and he had really liked her then. Now he wondered why he didn't seek to come up with something a little more original and less degrading. Who would want to be saved by a hero whose name means a useless nobody?

"Hey," he sighed desperately ready for her to go away and almost crying in relief when Iida came up putting a protective arm around his girlfriend and giving Izuku a threatening look. Although most wouldn't expect it Iida was the jealous type and had on several occasions told Izuku how he didn't like him being so close with his girlfriend and he definitely didn't like when they hung out alone. Izuku was slightly stunned at first, but it didn't take long for him to realize he had no desire to hang out with Uraraka.

Izuku was thankful when the teacher announced they would be loading the bus and settled for a window seat in the front secretly thrilled and depressed when no one came to sit near him. Slipping in his earbuds he prepared himself for one long trip.

~~Time skip brought by loner Deku~~

When they finally arrived at the 20th Ward, it was nearly midnight and half of the class had long been asleep. Specifically, Bakugou who had fallen asleep sometime around 8:30. They all quietly unloaded their bags as the teacher announced room situations. Apparently, everyone had picked partners while Izuku was training with All Might the night before, leaving the green-haired boy to share a room with Mineta. He looked to the people he partially considered friends to find that Todoroki and Iida had decided to share a room and everyone else, even Aoyama had found someone to pair with. He would have thought maybe his friends would have given him a heads up, but it seemed as if they didn't care. God, Izuku internally groaned, it's going to be an extremely long night. When they all separated into their rooms, it became clear that he would not live through this week. There was only one bed in the little apartment and there was absolutely NO way he was going to share a bed with *that*. So he made camp on their small balcony not caring what Mineta had to say and tried to at least get a few minutes of sleep.

~~Time skip brought back disgusted Izuku~~

Izuku barely got three hours of sleep that night and was pretty sure if he continued to sleep on the balcony he would catch hypothermia by the middle of the week. Groaning he picked himself up and warily glanced in his room to find it empty. He darted to the door locking the purple perv outside before quickly changing into his hero uniform for their training practices. When he got to the main training room at the ward almost everyone was there and doing stretches. He quickly joined their routine before Mr.Aizawa walked in announcing the plans for the day.

"Alright class listen up," the man said in a plain tone " today we will do mock battles in which your skill will be assessed so that we can determine how much you improve over the week. Here are the pair-ups as it will be a two on two fight."

Izuku absently listened waiting on his name to be called. Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Shinsou vs. Katski Bakugou and Denki Kaminari. He looked up to see Kacchan's evil smirk and realized he was dead. So very dead.

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