The Procedure

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I have posted school has just been kind of crazy. I hope all of you guys are doing good and taking care of yourself. Enjoy! P.S. sorry this is so short my computer is on 2%. I am planning on doing a longer chapter tomorrow or later tonight.

Rize looked up at Deku with a grin that made his skin crawl, she looked as if she was going to devour him on spot. I wouldn't be suprised if she did. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, fearing the moment he did she'd break free. He kept his eyes locked with the dark red pupils that were her own. Was he going to become this monster? No I'll probably end up like the others, bleeding out on the lab tables. Or worse I'll be dissolving in her stomach. Fear for his life began to catch up with him and he frantically scanned the room for a way out before he was interupted by a low chuckle.

" You aren't going to find any exits here son," Dr.Kanou smiled filling up a syringe he held with a liquid drug Izuku couldn't identify. Then he made his was to him and jerked up his sleeve to find a vein. Izuku was frozen panic once again making him unable to move. Please let someone find me. All Might, Aizawa, I'd even take Kacchan at this point.Or even Iida, I just don't want to die. I don't want to become her. He felt a slight sting in his arm before everything began to fuz and fade. "Allmigh-" he tried calling out before crumbling against Dr.Kanou.

Wasting no time Dr.Kanou sedated Rize and strapped her to the lab table next to where he had the green haired boy at. He had preformed this precedure so many times it seemed like he could do it in his sleep. Once he had extracted what he needed from her he turned his head from the feral looking woman to his test subject. He had been promised it would work this time, something to do with the boys body not having an original quirk, but having accepted anothers. It wasn't completely far fetched he supposed, but he'd been watching the boy for a while, it seemed any time he used his quirk it injured him. He always ended up with broken arms or legs pathetically sobbing as his classmates surrounded him. The last thing he needed his creation to be was pathetic. Pathetic like all the other failed attempts now living amoung each other in Rize's stomach acid. He cut open the boys body and carefully placed what he had taken of Rize's kagune at the lower points of the boys back. It wouldn't be long before they took hold. They would either devour the subject or bond, this was were it always messed up.

As days passed Dr.Kanou watched over Izuku pleased with the progress that had occured. The boys vital signs hadn't dropped once and the kagune seemed to bond to his body. There was one thing left to do test the boys regenrative abilities. If everything worked as planned the freckled boy would be nearly indestructable, the perfect monster to destroy the vile heroes who always seemed to know best. They'd regret not letting him preform his qurik transering surgeries when they saw just how sucessful it would have been. He couldn't wait to watch as his creation proved them wrong by destroying everything they had built and eventually them. Grabbing a few viles of Ritalin, something he'd been working on waking patients up with even though it was meant for people with ADHD, he made his way to the boy and began pumping the medicine through his IV pump. Considering the freenzy that was likely to occur when the boy awoke, he left the glass cubical not wanting to have his own creation be his destruction.

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