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I awoke from my slumber to the scent of smoke engulfing my chamber. I quickly run out of my room to find flames consuming the corridor. I hear my brothers' cries for help and my parents' dying screams. I try to get to my brothers, only to see a man taking them away.

Lyra: "Stop, get away from them!! Ciel, Astre!!!"

A&C: "Lyra!! Help!!!"

I try to fight the man, but he kicks me in the stomach, knocking me down as I gasp for air, and he escapes with my brothers, reaching out for my help. All I can do is shed tears as they are taken away from me.

Then I regain my bearings and try to go after them, but as I descend the stairs, a flurry of embers from the fireflies into my right eye, blinding and burning me. I make it out with someone's help, but I can't tell who as I cry and hold my hand over my eye. Once we are safe, he sets me down to lie on the ground. He speaks, and his voice makes me realize it is Tanaka.

Tanaka: "My lady, we must get you to a doctor."

Lyra: "T-Ta-na-ka...please...I...need to...get them back..."

Madam Red: "Lyra!!!"

I hear Madam Red yell as she runs to me and hugs me tightly.

Madam Red: "Thank goodness you're alright. Where are the others?"

Lyra: "I need to go after them! Let me go after them! My brothers need my help!"

I am held tightly, so I can't go anywhere.

Tanaka: "They are gone, Lyra. They have been taken from us, but we will find them. You need to heal and rest. Let me worry about it. Madam Red, will you please examine the damage to her eye?"

Madam Red: "Of course, but we must get her to a safe place."

After that, I was taken away from my home to live with Madam Red for a while. I have not been able to see out of my right eye since that night. We never got any leads as to my brothers' whereabouts either.

I had many suitors still vying for my attention. Still, I couldn't focus on anything except all of my nightmares and thoughts about how it was my fault that I couldn't save my brothers. It was my job to protect them, and I failed.

My aunts, uncles, cousins, and Tanaka tried to convince me it wasn't my fault, and there was nothing I could do. I even took up running the company on the side. As I am a woman, whoever I marry will be the next head of the Funtom Co. and the Phantomhive family unless we can find my brothers.

One day, we got word that Ciel was in the hospital where our aunt, Madam Red, works. We hurried to the hospital. Upon our arrival, we engulfed him in hugs. When we pulled back, I noticed his vacant/lost expression. I put my hand on his cheek and looked into his eye, which wasn't covered by bandages.

Lyra: "Madam Red, Tanaka, please leave the room; I need to speak with Ciel privately."

They nod, understanding my wishes. They leave and shut the door.

Lyra: "Astre, it's okay now. You are safe with me. I'm not going to let anyone take you away ever again. I'm so sorry I failed both you and Ciel."

I hug him and he hugs me back.

(I will be calling him Ciel, so nobody gets confused.)

Ciel: "How did you know it was me, Lyra?"

Lyra: "I've always been able to tell the two of you apart. But I won't say anything if that's what you wish. You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to. I'm just happy you are back."

Ciel: "Thank you. Where are mom and dad?"

I hesitate before answering him.

Lyra: "They died in the fire when you were kidnapped. The manor burned down around them as well. Tanaka and I were the only survivors. We are currently living with Madam Red."

Ciel: "I want to visit their graves."

Lyra: "Of course."

A man dressed as a butler walks in. He is tall, with dark hair, kinda like a crow, red eyes, and handsome features that make me hold my breath when he walks in.

???: "Young master, I have checked you out. We may leave at any moment now."

He looks at me.

Sebastian: "Hello, my lady. Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Sebastian Michaelis, and I am at your service."

Lyra: "Hello Sebastian, my name is Lyra Phantomhive; I am Ciel's older sister."

Ciel then gets out of the bed.

Ciel: "Lyra, Sebastian is our new head butler."

Lyra: "Wow, he has the same name as-"

Ciel: "Yes, he does. Let's not talk about it. I am ready to go home now."

I chuckle as I stand up.

Lyra: "Ciel, you need to get changed first. I brought you some clothes. I assume Sebastian will be helping you get changed."

Ciel: "Thank you, Lyra."

I kiss his forehead, put his clothes on the bed, and leave the room.

After that, I took him and Sebastian to the grave site and later found out that Sebastian rebuilt our home, where we now live again. He has yet to ask me how or why I have an eye patch, and I have yet to ask about his.

Black Butler Ciel's SisterWhere stories live. Discover now