Chapter Two

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Ciel: "Lyra, are you sure you are alright?"

Lyra: "I told you I am feeling much better, Ciel. I will be fine to accompany you on this case. Besides, it is time for the nobles to travel, and I am the eldest Phantomhive. It is only appropriate that I go along with you."

Ciel: "Fine, but the moment you aren't feeling well, please rest."

Lyra: "I promise, little brother."

He glares at me for the 'little brother' part, making me chuckle as I enter the carriage, followed by him while Sebastian gets in the driver's seat.

Once we arrive at our manor in the city, Sebastian opens the door, holding his hand out to help me out, and holds it open for Ciel. Sebastian then holds open the front door for us and follows us in.

Lyra: "Already so many party invitations lined up. But which ones to accept. It is a pain to deal with."

Ciel: "I hate this. There are too many people in London."

Sebastian: "There is no helping it, my lord. It's tradition for the nobility to migrate from the country to town every season."

Ciel: "The seasons, eh? A waste of time if you ask me."

Lyra: "Ciel, don't be such a grumpy pants. It is a custom we must honor."

Ciel groans.

Sebastian: "Getting away from the manor could prove a nice change of pace. It's a break from those four, at least. We can enjoy a little peace and quiet for a time."

Lyra: "A splendid thought, Sebastian. However, I will never have that with you two hovering over me."

Ciel: "Some peace and quiet does sound nice."

Sebastian opens a door for us to reveal a huge mess made by three buffoons rummaging through everything. Apparently, looking for tea. It's Madam Red, Lau, and Grell.

Ciel: "Madam Red, Lau, why are you here?"

Madam Red: "Oh, Ciel, Lyra, you're early dears."

Lau: "Your sudden appearance here in town must mean..."

Madam Red: "The Queen's guard dogs have a new scent to follow."

Lyra: "Sebastian, please make some tea and snacks for our unexpected guests?"

Sebastian: "Of course, my lady."

Lyra: "Bring it to our meeting room."

Sebastian: "I will have it ready for you in a moment."

We all congregate in the meeting room and enjoy our tea and snacks while discussing our new case.

Ciel: "He struck again. Another prostitute was found gruesomely murdered in White Chapel. These killings are far from normal. The level of violence we see is unprecedented."

Sebastian: "The most recent victim was a woman named Mary Anne Nichols. It appears a special kind of blade was used on her. She was torn up beyond recognition."

Ciel: "The murderer's distinctive style of killing has earned him a unique nickname from the press. Jack the Ripper."

Lau: "A frightening nickname, eh?"

Lyra: "That's why we are here earlier than expected. We hurried into town to look at the situation for ourselves."

Lau looks to Ciel.

Lau: "But are you sure you'll be brave enough to stomach the crime scene?"

Ciel: "What do you mean by that?"

Lau: "The sight of the dismembered body will certainly be horrific. And one can only imagine the stench. Blood and gore everywhere. Surely, it would be more than enough to drive some men mad. Are you prepared to see such a thing? You're just a young boy, after all."

Lau puts a hand on Ciel's face, and I slap it away.

Ciel: "I am the head of the Phantomhives and service to my Queen. Don't ask foolish questions."

Lau: "And what about you, my lady? Will you even be well enough? You are already looking pale."

He goes to touch my cheek, but I stop him by grabbing his wrist.

Lyra: "I will be fine. I am the eldest Phantomhive, after all. A little carriage sickness will not get the better of me, let alone the sight of a dismembered body. Enough of your foolishness, Lau."

Lau: "You're right. So sorry."

He retakes his seat and we finish our tea and snacks. I excuse myself to use the restroom, where I throw up a little.

Lyra: 'Damn, it is a little worse than I thought. I have to get this under control before anyone notices.'

When I open the door, Sebastian is waiting for me.

Lyra: "S-Sebastian, what are you doing here?"

Sebastian: "My lady, forgive me for my rudeness, but I believe you should stay here and rest for the time being."

Lyra: "Oh, and why is that?"

Sebastian: "It is either you rest, or I will inform your brother, who will insist you stay here. You wouldn't want to worry him, would you, my lady?"

I grit my teeth before responding to him.

Lyra: "Fine, but you will keep me informed on the case details. If I am doing better later, I will join you."

Sebastian: "Very well, my lady. I shall inform your brother you will not be joining us for now. I will bring you some ginger tea before we take our leave."

Lyra: "Thank you, Sebastian."

I go to my room and groan as I plop on my bed.

Lyra: 'Ugh, frickin observant as hell butler. Always catching my every attempt to fake good health.'

I stand up and start undressing. As I attempt to remove my corset, there is a knock at the door.

Sebastian: "My lady, I have your tea."

Lyra: "Come in, Sebastian."

He enters and sees me struggling, making him chuckle.

Sebastian: "Would you like some help, my lady?"

Lyra: "Yes, please, it is quite tangled."

Sebastian: "Of course, my lady."

He sets the tea tray on my nightstand before skillfully untangling the knot. As he easily unravels the strings, I can't help but imagine his skilled fingers working their magic on me. I slightly blush before shaking my head to stop myself from these thoughts.

Sebastian: "Is everything alright, my lady?"

Lyra: "Yes, I will be alright with the rest. You may leave with the others."

Sebastian: "As you wish, my lady."

He then leaves me with nothing but my embarrassing thoughts as I finish getting changed before taking a nap after my tea.

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