Chapter Three

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By the time Sebastian has returned, I have recovered for the most part. Enough to be able to be up and about by his standards. He fills me in on the case details before he leads me to the drawing-room, where I read until Ciel and the others have arrived, and we have afternoon tea. We devise a plan to get to Lord Druitt before we go to his party. Ciel is dressed as a girl. 

We file into the carriage

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We file into the carriage. It's a good thing no one here knows what Ciel looks like.

Sebastian: "The Viscount Druitt, also known as Aleister Chambers. He graduated from medical school but has never gone into practice. Lately, he has thrown several parties at his home. But behind the scenes, at these same soirees, are secret gatherings that only his intimates may attend."

Madam Red: "I've heard he's into black magic and those occult sort of things."

Lau: "So your suspicion is that he's holding these parties to perform ritualistic sacrifices of the prostitutes?"

Lyra: "Tonight is the last party of the season."

Ciel: "Which means this is our last chance."

We finally arrive at the party.

Madam Red: "Ciel and Lyra will be my nieces visiting from the country, and Sebastian will be Ciel's tutor."

Ciel: "And just why do I have to act like your niece?"

Madam Red: "Because dear, I've always wanted a girl."

Ciel: "You're kidding me."

Madam Red: "You don't want them thinking you're a Phantomhive, now do you? Besides, I've heard that Lord Druitt has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt. And we do want to catch his eye, right?"

Sebastian: "By any means necessary. You do remember saying that, do you not, sir?"

Lyra: "Don't worry too much, Ciel. I'm here too, as a distraction since I'm more well-known than you are."

Ciel is rather grumpy, having his words thrown back at him. I separate from them and mingle with other guests. A few minutes go by, and I see Elizabeth following Ciel. I quickly get between her and Ciel as he and Sebastian move away.

Lyra: "Lizzy, how lovely to see you."

Elizabeth: "Lyra, how are you? Your dress is just beautiful."

Lyra: "Thank you. I just love your dress."

Elizabeth: "Thank you, Lyra. Is Ciel here too?"

Lyra: "Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling well. He stayed home this time."

We continue this way for a minute or two and then walk away from each other. A man named Lord Griffith asks me for a dance, and I kindly accept his offer. I see Ciel and Sebastian, not too far away, dancing together. A hand lands on Lord Griffith's shoulder, interrupting our dance.

Druitt: "May I cut in?"

Griffith: "Certainly, my lord."

He leaves, and Lord Druitt takes my hand, joining me for a dance.

Druitt: "You look lovely, my little dove."

Lyra: "Thank you, my Lord Druitt."

Druitt: "Have you thought about my offer?"

Lyra: "I have already answered your offer. My answer is still no."

Druitt: "What a shame. I shall ask again next time we meet, my dove."

The song ends, and he walks off toward Ciel. Elizabeth starts running toward the two but is stopped by Sebastian, who does a parlor trick. Lau stabs the box many times, with Sebastian inside it. Sebastian comes out unharmed. After his parlor trick, I realize Ciel and Lord Druitt are gone, and the music starts again.

Sebastian: "My lady, may I have this dance?"

Lyra: "It would be my pleasure, Sebastian."

I take his hand, and he takes me onto the dance floor. It feels as if he and I are the only two here as we dance in perfect harmony with one another. We never look away from one another's eyes the whole time. It feels like only a couple seconds have passed when the song has ended.

Sebastian: "Excuse me, my lady, I must take my leave. I suggest you rest for now."

He runs off. Once he is gone, I realize what just happened and can't help but blush.

Lyra: 'Ugh, not again. I need to stop thinking of him like that.'

I make my way over to Madam Red; however, on my way there, Elizabeth finds me. We chat for a bit before I join Madam Red and Lau. While standing with them, I start to feel dizzy.

Lyra: 'Oh no, not here. I've been sick enough as it is. Please don't let Sebastian be nearby.'

Just as I think that, Sebastian comes in to get me. As we leave in the carriage, Scotland Yard arrives at Lord Druitt's estate.

Lyra: "At least one nuisance is gone."

Ciel: "Indeed. How are you feeling, Lyra?"

Lyra: "I'm alright. Elizabeth hopes you feel better."

Ciel: "She almost caught me a few times."

Lyra: "Luckily for you, Sebastian and I were there."

Ciel: "Yes, thank you."

Once I have entered my room, Sebastian comes in with some tea.

Sebastian: "My lady, your ginger tea. I noticed you weren't feeling your best."

Lyra: "You can't be just a normal butler, Sebastian."

Sebastian: "If I couldn't do this much, what kind of butler would I be?"

He pours a cup for me.

Lyra: "I've said it once, and I'll say it again. You'd be an ordinary butler if you couldn't tell I was sick. However, we both know you are simply one hell of a butler."

I take a sip of my tea.

Sebastian: "Yes, we most certainly do."

He smiles to himself as he leaves.

Lyra: 'I was hoping he would kiss me for a moment. How could I be so foolish as to think that?'

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