Chapter One

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I lay in my bed, coughing, when there is a knock at my door, and Sebastian walks in.

Sebastian: "My lady, how are you feeling today?"

I hold back my coughing as I sit up.

Lyra: "I am alright, Sebastian. There is no need to worry about me."

Sebastian stops me from getting out of bed.

Sebastian: "My lady, it is not good for you to hold in the coughs. I will bring breakfast and tea to you. You will remain in bed until you are well enough to move around."

Lyra: "Sebastian, please do not make me stay in bed."

I plead with him. He smiles and walks to the door.

Sebastian: "I will inform the young master that you are not feeling well. You may rest easy, my lady."

I groan after he shuts the door. Damn this butler for being so observant. I get out of bed, dress myself, and prepare for the day. I quickly get under the covers before Sebastian returns with my breakfast and tea.

Sebastian: "I have brought you porridge and ginger tea, my lady."

Lyra: "Thank you, Sebastian."

He places the tray on my lap.

Sebastian: "My lady, you were not wearing that before. I dare say it looks like you are planning on leaving your room."

I blush and look away.

Lyra: "Of course not, Sebastian. I just did not want to be in my nightgown all day. I did not put on a corset, so there is no way I will leave my room."

He smirks before replying to me.

Sebastian: "Would you mind if I check for that myself, my lady?"

I blush immensely at that.

Lyra: "Of course you can not; that is way too embarrassing!"

Sebastian: "My lady, I have helped you change many times. How is this any different?"

I look down, unable to hide my red face.

Lyra: "Fine."

He simply pulls the back of my dress away from my body and looks into my dress.

Sebastian: "Alright, I am satisfied with that. However, can you honestly tell me you will be able to rest in this dress?"

Lyra: "I will be fine. Just leave. I am sure Ciel needs you to do something."

Sebastian: "As you wish, my lady."

He leaves the room, and I finally steady my breathing.

Lyra: "Damn him."

I eat my food and finish my tea before getting up and leaving my room. I walk through the corridors until I reach the library. I pick a random book and take a seat on the couch, where I begin to read. I am halfway through the book when a hand lands on my shoulder, causing me to squeal.

Sebastian: "My lady,"

Lyra: "Sebastian, you gave me a fright."

Sebastian: "I noticed. You should be in bed."

I groan as I stand and glare at him.

Lyra: "Sebastian, I am a grown woman. I have been sick most of my life. I can handle walking around the house, no matter how sick I get. You can not boss me around like I am some child who needs protection 24/7."

He smirks, infuriating me.

Sebastian: "My lady, what would your younger brother think if he saw you out of bed right now? He knows you are sick and ordered me to look after you until you are better."

I look away, knowing he got me there.

Lyra: 'Why did he have to tell my brother.' "Fine, you win. I will return to bed after picking a couple of books."

I take a few books from the shelves, and Sebastian escorts me back to my bedroom. He helps me change into my nightgown and settle into my bed.

Sebastian: "Rest well, my lady."

He finally leaves my room.

Lyra: 'Screw him.'

I get up to go to the bathroom. However, as I reach for the door, I lose consciousness. I open my eyes to see Sebastian above me.

Lyra: "S-Sebastian,"

Sebastian: "Honestly, my lady, you should have just called for me."

Lyra: "What do you mean?"

All of a sudden, he picks me up.

Sebastian: "Whenever you want to do something, please call for me. Hopefully, we can avoid this happening again."

Lyra: "Sebastian, did I faint?"

Sebastian: "Yes, my lady. May I inquire as to what you were trying to do?"

I look away from him.

Lyra: "I was going to take a bath."

He puts me on my bed.

Sebastian: "Wait here while I draw you a bath."

Lyra: "Thank you, Sebastian. I will ask for help next time."

He smiles and then goes into my bathroom. A couple minutes later, he comes back to get me.

Sebastian: "I will wait outside the door until you have finished. Just let me know if you require my assistance at all."

Lyra: "I will, Sebastian."

He shuts the door behind himself, and I undress before getting in the bath.

Once finished, I try to get out of the bath and slip. I grab the curtain as I fall and let out a scream, making Sebastian come in and catch me before I hit the tub.

Sebastian: "Milady, are you alright?"

Lyra: "Yes, thank you."

He sets me on my feet, with the curtain hiding my body from him. I blush and look away from him. He wraps the towel around me and then leaves to get my clothes.

Sebastian: "You must not be so careless, milady. You could have been seriously hurt."

Lyra: "I know, Sebastian. Thank you for your help."

He smirks as he catches sight of my flustered face.

Sebastian: "I will help you to bed before your brother comes in to see you."

He helps me get dressed and puts me in my bed before leaving.

Lyra: "Stupid, no good, amazingly hot butler."

I huff and start reading one of my books.

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