●•K E Y•●

720 1 0

I can take requests and suggestions, just comment and I'll see what i can do.

○°○IF you are bold enough to request then please comment on the requeast page below this one.○°○

I will be using (_/_) or (____) for names and character traits, these may be the traits I use.

(e/c) - eye color
(h/l) - hair length
(h/c) - hair color
(h/t) - hair type
(y/h) - your height
(b/f) - best friend
(c/n) - crush name
(f/c) - favorite color

(name) - any name you're comfortable with.

(mom/dad) - whatever name you want for your mom/dad, and pick whichever you want it to be in that moment.

●•● i believe that is all for now ●•●

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