Chapter 36

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I so badly wanted to yell and scream at him, beg for him to stay with me and keep our family together. We're a fucking family now.

But I didn't.

I shouldn't have come over last night. I was drunk and not thinking clearly.

Kyler's words were a shock to me. I hadn't realized that he would instantly regret coming over the very second he woke up. I mean I tried kicking him out last night, so I should be happy that he didn't try to suck me back into him.

But why does this feel like I'm being rejected by him for the millionth time.

I need some time to figure things out and work on myself. I promise I won't be showing up anymore, but I'm here if you need anything Brinley. I can bring you food, go to your doctor's appointments, or even if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

I nodded my head and watched him walk out of my bedroom.

At least Kyler stayed true to his word. It's been almost a week since he stayed the night and he has texted me daily to check up on me and see how I've been doing. He surprised me with food being delivered a few nights this week because I told him how nauseous I've been lately and how it's been hard for me to keep down food.

I've been doing a lot better emotionally these last few days. With Kyler not physically around, my mind has been clearer and I've realized that I too need to start focusing more on myself. Well, and the baby.

Pulling up to Danika's house, I see that Tate and Olivia are already here. Danika thought it would be fun to have a girls' night.

I walk up to the front door and knock. They live in a cute house in a cul-de-sac. The perfect suburban house with black shutters and everything.

"Welcome, I'm so glad you came!" Danika squeals with excitement. I step into the house and find Olivia and Tate drinking some wine and laughing.

"Hello ladies," I take a seat next to Tate.

"I'm so glad you're here. Olivia and I were just talking about who has better sex. I think I do because I'm not tied down to just one guy, but Liv here thinks she and Ryan have better sex because when you're in a relationship you learn what each other likes over time. What do you think?"

"I am so staying out of this discussion. I have no experience with random sex and I am not in a relationship so my input doesn't count."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with Liv on this one. I've been in both situations and I would say that being in a relationship, the sex is a million times better. You see why I've been with Ryder so long," Danika brags.

"Whatever you guys are just a bunch of lames," Tate pouts.

"So what's new with you Brinley? Liv told me about the pregnancy, how is everything?" Danika asks.

Of course Olivia has told everyone. I look at her and smile. Olivia does not know how to keep anything to herself. "I've been okay, I've just been sick lately. Just trying to make it one day at a time."

"I was in shock when Liv told me you were pregnant. I can't believe Kyler is going to be a dad." Danika says.

"You're telling me. I can't see my brother as a dad, but I know he will be a great one. I'm just so excited for my baby to be here already." Tate gushes, while putting a hand on my belly.

"How is everything with you and Kyler anyways?" Liv asks.

"Well, we aren't together if that's what you are wondering. We are just trying to work on ourselves and my main focus is keeping my sanity during this pregnancy."

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