Chapter 8

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I toss and turn throughout the night. My mind was constantly on Kyler and how I should have just dragged him to my bed.

I wonder if Kyler went home last night or maybe he stayed the night? I hope he went home so I don't have to face him and try to figure out what last night was. I get up and slowly open my door, hopefully, quiet enough that nobody can hear.

I peek my head out and feel a wave of relief wash over me when I just see Olivia standing in the kitchen. I look around and she seems to be alone.

"Hey, good morning Brin! OHMYGODGUESSWHAT?" she squeals.

It's way too early for my brain to understand what she's saying, "Ryan asked me to be his girlfriend last night! Can you believe it???? and I agreed to it!"

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you... but are you sure that's what you want? Ya know you're not the committed--one boy only relationship type."

"I know... I know, but this feels different Brin... I don't know how to explain it...he's just like none of the other guys that I've messed around with... like I want this relationship to work. I mean, it's not like we are getting married tomorrow," she says with a concerned look like she's trying to convince herself that it's just a simple relationship, "He just makes me want to give being a girlfriend a try. No screwing around this time. I am a 23-year-old woman and can't be acting like I'm in high school, it's time for me to take relationships seriously. I get excited over the littlest things because of him. I get excited when he calls or texts me and I always want to be with him even when we are apart for more than a few hours. Like who even am I? Sorry, I'm rambling and being that annoying girl who's crazy over a boy," she says with a dreamy look on her face.

"It's fine Liv, I just want to make sure that you are ready for a real relationship. You always end up the one unscathed and the other person crawling at your feet. I should be scared for Ryan," I tease, "But I am super happy for you, and I think you will be a great girlfriend. Speaking of Ryan where exactly are...." The front door of the apartment swings open and the boys walk through the door with coffee in hand.

So he did stay the night last night.  I'm guessing he slept on the couch since he never tried to come into my room. I keep my attention on Liv but take a little glimpse at Kyler without him noticing.

Why does he look like he's ready for a GQ photoshoot? I know he had to have only gotten a few hours of sleep last night and unlike him, I'm sure I look like hell. I go to readjust my bun, on the top of my head, knowing that it's not going to help much. I am already planning my escape, but Kyler walks towards me before I get the chance.

"Here, I brought you a coffee," Kyler says while handing me a caramel macchiato. I'm in shock.

"Thanks, but how did you know this is what I like?"

"Well the first night you stayed at my place, I remember Olivia bringing you a caramel macchiato when she was picking you up from my trailer," he says avoiding eye contact with me like he's embarrassed that he remembered that.

"Oh, Okay. Well, thank you." I take a sip of my coffee and everyone remains silent, "so what are your guys' plans today?" I ask trying to make the awkwardness vanish.

"Well Ryan and I were planning on going out on a date together to celebrate us dating officially, so we will be busy today, but I'm sure Kyler here has no plans since there is no race tonight. I'm sure he would hang out with you so you're not lonely," Liv suggests while looking at Kyler.

"Yep, no plans for me except I need to run to the track and meet a sponsor there to sign some papers. After that, I'm all yours Brinley, if that's something you're up for. I'm pretty sure you don't like me at this point, you seem to run away from me whenever you get the chance," he teases.

"I so do not run away from you," I cough out while choking on coffee, "I just happen to have other plans that are important."

"You've run away from me since the first moment that I met you. I tried talking to you and you got away from me as fast as you could," he says while laughing, "and then when you woke up after staying the night at my trailer....and then you ran away last night to your bedroom without even saying goodbye. So yes you run away from me all the time, but you can make it up to me by hanging with me today."

I have no good argument to get out of this, but I'm not sure I want to. It would be nice to spend time together and get to know him. I'm just too afraid to admit that out loud.

"Um yeah okay, just let me get dressed first... or do you want to go meet with your sponsors and then hang out after?"

"No I'll wait for you, don't want you backing out from spending time with me as soon as you get the chance. The meeting is in about an hour and it shouldn't take too long. It's fine if you come with me and then after I'm all yours."

Olivia breaks up our conversation by saying, "Well you guys have fun, me and Ryan are pretty busy today and would like the house to ourselves if you know what I mean, but I'm sure you will take good care of my girl for me, won't you Kyler." Liv gives Kyler a wink and grabs Ryan and starts to pull him towards her room.

"Oh trust me, Kyler is good with the ladies. He has tons and tons of experience if you know what I mean. The girls always end up the next day, banging on his door, begging for more time with him," Ryan says while rolling his eyes.

"Oh shut up, you're just jealous that none of those girls were screaming your name. I've even tried a few times to hook you up with some of the girls, but you always would pussy out. I'm still in shock that you somehow managed to convince Olivia to be your girlfriend," Kyler says while chuckling.

"Well I'm glad I never wanted to give those girls a chance because now I have this beautiful woman," Ryan says while swatting Olivia on the butt.

Ryan and Olivia both start laughing and then they rush into Liv's room, all over each other. I swear I can feel the sexual tension coming off of them or maybe that's from Kyler and me.

"How did I ever get so lucky to spend a whole day with you by myself," I sarcastically say, with a sweet innocent voice. I blink my eyes like I'm a smitten schoolgirl to exaggerate my point.

I continue to flirt with him by saying, "I have personally witnessed, multiple times when girls have thrown themselves at you. Those girls were basically offering themselves on a platter..." I say while pretending to gag, "And I get to be the girl that you want to spend the day with?"

"Is that jealousy of yours coming out again?" Kyler asks while picking up a pillow from the couch and tossing it at me.  I catch the pillow before it hits me in the face and throw it back. I run towards my bedroom before he tries to hit me again with the pillow.

"In your dreams lover boy. I am going to get dressed, just give me 15 minutes, and then we can head towards the track." He nods and sits on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

When I get into the room and shut my door, I finally let out a big exhale.

Am I ready for this? Can I handle being alone with Kyler?

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