Chapter 23

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After getting as far away as I can from Kyler, I order myself a taxi to get the hell out of here. I text Olivia telling her that I "suddenly feel sick" and I'm taking a taxi home. I don't want to tell her the truth or she will want all the details.

I wipe at my forehead, feeling hot and sweaty all of a sudden. My heart seems to pound hard like it's going to come out of my chest. I feel like I don't have control over my body and I can't catch a breath. I can't breathe.

Am I having a heart attack? Am I dying?

I crouch down and lay my head against the cool wall of the building. I try to take a deep breath in and out, but I physically can't. My body is not letting me calm down.

I feel like I'm choking.

Breathe Brinley, just breathe. I look at my hands and they are shaking uncontrollably.


This is it. I'm dying.

All of the yelling and stress of trying to be with Kyler has pushed my body over the edge. Something's wrong. I need to get out of here.

"Brinley, what are you doing?" Kyler rasps, bending down to sit on the ground next to me.

"I- I- I-I..." I literally can't form a sentence. I begin taking deeper breathes and begin to sob.

"Brinley?! What's going on?" he says concerned.

"I-I-I can't breathe, I think I'm dying," I say breathlessly.

He puts both of his hands on my face and forces me to look at him.

"Brin, I think you're having a panic attack," he says in a quiet calm voice while pulling me to his chest.

A panic attack? I'm not someone who has bad anxiety and I've never had a panic attack in my life.

"Okay, just close your eyes and lay against me while focusing on your breathing."

I do as he says and I try to focus on my breathing but instead get distracted by the sound of Kyler's heartbeat.

"Okay now think of a place, somewhere that makes you happy."

The first place that comes to my head is at Kyler's place with the pond and the meadow.

"Okay," I say with a strangled voice that I don't recognize.

"Describe it to me."

"Well...uhm... the first place I thought of was your place," I say somewhat embarrassed.

"It's beautiful, isn't it. Think of all the colors of the flowers throughout the meadow and the way the sunlight reflects over the pond during sunset. Pretend you're there, with the warm wind blowing your hair around and the sun's rays dancing across your skin. It's perfect." he whispers close to my ear, causing goosebumps to move across my body.

He pulls me in a tighter embrace and rests his forehead against mine.

"You're breathing is slowly getting better and you're not shaking anymore. You're going to be okay Brinley."

My phone starts ringing and it's an unknown number. Kyler grabs it and answers it.

"Hello?" he asks in a deep voice.

"Yeah...oh...oh okay...on the left side...ok...uh-huh...see you soon."

I look up at him with a confused look, "Who was that?"

"The taxi you ordered is here."

"Shit! I completely forgot about that," I say rushed while standing up.

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