Chapter 2

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You felt as if you were in a daze the whole way home. Not only were you finally doing this, liberating yourself after so much time of being locked in a cage, but also your lawyer just so happened to be ten times more attractive and overwhelming in person than he was in his already intimidating photos.

Kylo Ren made you feel alive. You weren't sure if it was because he made goosebumps spread over you whenever he spoke in his low rumble or if it was because he was your best bet at a new life, but you weren't about to question it. You needed to find the time and resources to work with him. He was your one way ticket out.

You got home, sighing in relief when you realized you'd beat Orson home. Sometimes he would end his day early and you suspected it was because he wanted to come home and yell at you, more than willing to use you as his personal punching bag when he had a bad day. You rushed to your bedroom to pick up your phone, glad there weren't any missed calls or texts from him in the time you had been gone. It'd been a risky move, but a necessary one.

Flopping down on the bed after calculating how much time you'd need to fix Orson dinner so he wouldn't spend the night berating you, you ran through your day and plans for tomorrow. You needed to get another phone and figure out how to forward calls some way.

There was no way you'd be able to continue going to First Order Firm and keeping your phone at home. Sooner or later Orson would call you and then it'd be game over when you didn't answer, you'd be caught before you could even begin planning your escape.

You got up and went over to the computer, sitting at the desk as you researched ways to forward calls. You were pleased when you found an app that would do just that, smiling to yourself when you thought about how the great Orson Krennic was about to be bested by an app of all things. Funny how one silly little app could do so much damage. He'd be furious if he ever found out but for now it would have to do.

Then there was the issue of how to pay for everything. You had some money saved up over the years, stashed away in hiding places. There was enough for a few sessions with Kylo, but nowhere near enough what you expected the whole endeavor to cost. Ren's help didn't come cheap and you needed the best.

Early on when Orson had suggested merging your finances, something had seemed off to you. You'd decided to keep some money to yourself every paycheck, somehow getting away with never letting Orson know your exact salary so that he wouldn't be suspicious. By the time your money was directly deposited into his account, you had lied and said you got a promotion. He hadn't even congratulated you.

It seemed a cruel irony that you knew even back in the beginning that your relationship wasn't quite right, always one to value your independence and wanting to do it your way. How far you had strayed since - but there was no point in dwelling in the past now. Now it was all about moving forward and getting your life in order, regaining that autonomy you had lost.

As if on cue, you saw your phone screen light up with a call from First Order Firm, answering excitedly as your mind ran away with idealistic visions of self-sufficiency. Distracted by the voice on the other end as it asked for payment details and times for the next upcoming visit, you didn't have time to dwell on why you were so disappointed that it was Phasma who had called.


Kylo's POV:

Kylo twisted and turned in his bed, unable to find the comforting embrace of sleep in the night as his thoughts kept straying back to one specific person he had met this morning. Why was it that you had stuck out so much in his packed day of back-to-back meetings?

There was nothing particularly different about you looks-wise that would make you stand out in his memory. Sure, you weren't bad to look at - some would even describe you as easy on the eyes, but Kylo Ren hadn't gotten the success he'd achieved so far by sleeping with clients or mixing business with pleasure. So that couldn't be it, right?

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