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Hyunnin POV

I played with this HeeJin girl for quite a long time actually and then went to bed after. She was actually quite nice to me.


I was still sleeping went i felt someone push me as i fell on the floor.It was no other than Jiwoo who woke me up.

-Wake up sleepyhead i heard you played with some girl until late at night yesterday ? Jiwoo asked with slightly giggling

-What are you talking about....I said still half-asleep. I didnt really understand what happened as i was still waking up

-Looks like you've got already a replacement for us exclaimed Yeojin still bitter about her loss yesterday

-Hey dont say that thats not true ! yellee Yerim from across the room

-Its probably just someone with who she played nothing more....Right? questionned Yerim and all three stared at me intensly.

-Stop the nonsense and give me something to eat im hungry, i want bread. I said trying to change the topic.

HeeJin was just a gamer friend nothing more....right ?

I walked to the kitchen to see my favorite cream-filled bread on the table.I rushed and sat to eat them.

-By the way i'm gonna go earlier i have somewhere to go quickly ill join you guys later. I said not trying to sound suspicious.

-You're gonna see those stray cats again ? why not take them home already youre always going there everyday said Yeojin as she slowly started to eat her cereals.

-I don't know if Haseul would let me she would propably tell me to donate them at a shelter. I said with a sad expression

There were stray cats that lived on the streets near the school where Hyunjin always go an take care of them. Hyunjin found them last month trying to search for food and decided to befriend them.

I quickly finished my bread and head over the door to go to the convenient store, buy some cat food and then feed the kitties.

Hyunjin finally came and saw the cats running towars them.They were 3 kitties one black and white , one all black and the other orange and white.

I gave them food as they didnt stop meowing and then they started to eat as i continued patting them on their head.

HeeJin POV

I was walking to school when i saw a girl i never saw before near our school kneeling and giving some kitties food ? I found it odd as i never saw her before here as i know almost everybody from school and decided to go to her.

Only for Jungeun to interupt me and slowly walking towards me.

-What are you staring at so deeply ? Jungeun looked at HeeJins direction only to see Hyunjin again.

-Oh her ? i kinda know her she's from the other highschool near us she always comes here to give these stray cats foods and stuff Jungeun explained while walking with HeeJin towards the highschool

-Does she always come here i never really saw her ? i asked Jungeun but before i could look at the girl again she disappeared.

-I saw her a couple of times before but thats all, why are you interested in her ? Jungeun asked with a smirk .

-Huh ? nah i was just curious....I said walking while taking some to see if she's still there.

Jungeun and HeeJin walked into he school slowly followed by Sooyoung and lastly Hyeju.

-So ? did you play with that girl yesterday ? asked Hyeju curious how it went.

-If you're so curious you should've been there ! i said obviously still mad at Hyeju for yesterday

-What girl ? You got a girl ?! Sooyoung rans up and questionned HeeJin impatient to hear the answer

-Yall calm down there was just a girl i played with and she's actually really good,We're gonna play again today I said hoping that they would not hear the last part.

-See i told y-WAIT WHAT ? You want to play with her more ? Hyeju exclaimed as she never saw HeeJin ever play with other people than HyeJu and Yeojin daily

-Yeah it just happened i just asked and she accepted i don't even know why i asked in the first place i said trying to find a reason as such why did i ask her

-HeeJin's getting a girlfriend soon my prayers to lesbian god yvesus all worked !! shouted Sooyoung in disbilief and joy

-Can someone run this bitch over pleas i beg you! i shouted while i was chasing Sooyoung all over the highschool

She's just a person i play with when im bored and has no one...Right ?


Hey besties im back with another chapter this time not a decade later ! i suddenly wanted to write something and here it is finished at 2 am.

I tried to make the story interesting so Chuuves entered the chat i hope you guys will like it !

Than you for reading this even though its bad i appreciate and will always try to write some better chapter soon !

I changed my lockscreen to a smiling  Blue heared Gowon and she looks so good omg

Byebye Love you guys ♡

Secret Gamer // 2jinWhere stories live. Discover now