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Hyunjin POV

I admired the kittens cause duh theyre so cute and looked at the time and shit im late.

I just left the cats and promised myself to take them home without my sister knowing then ran in the direction of the school.

Timeskip cause there's nothing interesting

I arrived at my school only to see that the front school gate is closed already. I had no choice but to climb it. And dayum was it hard i almost tripped.

Im already late why would i run so i just calmly walk. It wasnt really long since we have P.E and they're probably in the gym changing themselves.

"OMG HYUNJIN WHERE WERE YOU" Yeojin yelled and earned some smack from choerry.

"Sorry i was too preoccupied with the kittens that i forgot i have school hehe" i said changing my clothes.

"I heard that you played with Heejin all night long yesterday" said yeonjin smirking.

"Yeah it was fun and how do you know her name already ?!"

"It isn't really hard im and expert i find everything from scratch how do you not know her she's literally literally model !"

"But it seems that nobody knows that she plays this game that weird maybe she wants to keep it a secret" Yeojin said

"Well lets keep it a secret until she's says otherwise and you know that im focused on my studies so i dont really pay attention to those things" i said while putting my clothes in the locker.

"You're so whipped for her unbelievable and i thought you don't have any interest in dating" yeojin said, walking with me lazily.

"Shut up or ill throw my fucking shoe at you"

"Miss Kim Hyunjin you got and hour of detention after school today for coming late" my Gym teacher Mrs.Im said.

"How did you even find out you didnt even called our names to see if were here yet"

"I saw you climbing the school gate you almost fell like a fool" She said stopping herself from laughing.

Timeskip cause im lazy

It was now after school and im so tired i just want to go home and sleep but i cant i have detention.

Before i have to put the homework in Yeonjun's locker if not he's gonna kill me and i dont really want that do i ?

After putting it in his locker i am now walking to the detention classroom as always.

I may have very good grades and always study but i have another side of me who's messy and who dont really give a fuck about things.

And my sister doesn't really care if im late or whatever she has her own worries with her work and things.

I don't really have parents they just abandoned me and my sister at their house one day and never came back

We lived at my aunts until we could afford a simple appartment and since then i live with my sister whos 4 years older than me.

"Hey little slut did you do my homework ?" Yeonjun punched my desk interrupting my daydreaming

"I put it in your locker calm down" i said leaning my head on the desk again.

"Shut up you dont tell me what to do" he said and glared at me and i just scoffed.

What a way to live, bullying me isn't gonna make me like you. Yes everybody knows that he has a crush on me thats why he bullies me.

Which isn't really nice i gotta say it only ruins your future when you're gonna want to start a business or just have a job.

You already see idols getting kicked out of their group for that that brinfs nothing but hate and they deserve it anyways.

I was randomly thinking about stuff when i remember something.

"Oh shit i fucked up" i mumbled and secretly took my phone

I need to text this girl Heejin or whatever she's called and tell her that im sorry for not keeping my promise.

I mean its kinda my fault that I came late and got detention. I hid my phone and texted her.

Hey sorry i cant play right now i have detention cause i came late to school (ㄒoㄒ)

Heejin Pov

I came home and instantly went in my room and turned my computer on.

I dont know why but im so excited to play with that Hyunjin girl again, she's so good and nice even thought she's a beginner.

Its more fun to play with her than hyeju anyways she always swears so much ugh so tiring while with with Hyunjin she's calm and nice like me.

Its been 30 minutes and she still isn't online i wonder if she's okay maybe something happened to her. Let's just wait.

I was getting annoyed waiting for her. I mean she promised me why does she makes promises when she doesnt even keep them.

I was gonna turn off my computer and just lay on my bed when i received a text notification.

Hey sorry i cant play right now i have detention cause i came late to school (ToT)

I saw that the text was from hyunjin and smiled unconsciously and now im not mad anymore.That's weird.

Haha its alright i just thought you ditched me so i was quite annoyed

Dont worry i would never do that i was just feeding kittens this morning and didn't see the time pass

Feeding cats ? I dont know why but it seems familiar to me...

If you want we can still play after this is over ?

Yeah ill wait for you byebye <3

See you !

God why did i put a heart in my text she's gonna think im weird what have i done ?!

Well im still happy that she still wants to play with me i cant wait im so excited !!!

Wait...why am i this weird today ? Even if Hyeju plays with me im not so excited like that....maybe i should see a doctor.

Hyunjin POV

"Huh ? Why did she put a heart to her text to me ?" I thought while i smiled unconsciously.

"Hey bitch why are you smiling so widely ? The loser got a boyfriend now ?" Yeonjun questionned me looking at me confused.

"N-Nothing just a text from a f-friend...yes a friend" i said and go why did i stutter.

I turned off my phone and just waited for the end of detention all happy.


Hey its been a long time what like 3-4months since i didnt update ?
Sorry I've just kinda forgot this story and just started another one that ended deleted and now im making another one you should check out its good (i hope) !
see you !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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