Ch 22

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Tony: "did you get it?"

Thor: "indeed we did"

Loki takes the sword out of its leather covering

Loki: "here, 'tis the sword"

He places it on the table

Everyones eyes widen at the sight of the sword

Carol: "that was the sword you guys were talking about?!?"

Thor: "yes 'tis the one"

Wanda: "well does everyone have the items?"

Everyone nods

Wanda: "everyone give me their ingredients. Steve  take this sword and use your shield to break it apart"

Steve nods. He takes the sword and walks out. A couple of hours later and much preparation

Wanda: "okay im ready. I know what to do. Place the truncheon in the middle of the table"

Natahsa places teh truncheon in the middle of the table. Wanda places a mixture of plants herbs and other things on the truncheon

Wanda: "all i need to do is use my magic to shatter a shard of the sword and chant some words"

She sighs

Wanda: "here goes nothing"

She uses her magic to shatter the shard of the sword. She flips through her book to find a spell

Wnada: "vita nova evanescat, qui intus sepultus est. afferte unum quod ante cognitum erat. reduc ad pristinum unum omnium. memoriam eius restitue, memoriam eius amissam restitue.vita nova evanescat, qui intus sepultus est. afferte unum quod ante cognitum erat. reduc ad pristinum unum omnium. memoriam eius restitue, memoriam eius amissam restitue"

The truncheon starts to glow red

A bright light bursts throughout the room. The light settles and everyone looks around at each other

Steve: "did it work?"

Wanda: "only one way to find out"

Carol: "are you ready freya?"

Freya: "i do not know... i really do not  know"

Carol: "we will be right here"

Freya nods

Freya: "I am ready"

Carol grabs the truncheon and taps freya with it

Freya falls to the floor

All her momrories start too rush all back at once. She screams in pain

Nat: "is it working?"

Wanda: "i dont know"

Carol: "freya talk too us"

Freyas memories returned and she stopped screaming. She was out of breath. Carol kneels next to her

Carol: "hey are you okay?"

Freya looks over at carol and nods

Carol: "here let me help you up"

Carol helps freya to her feet

Wanda: "are you okay?"

Freya nods

Nat: "do you mind answering some questions?"

Freya: "not at all"

Nat: "what's your name?"

Freya: "my name is freya odindottir I am the goddesses love, beauty, gold, and f-"

Tony: "and?"

Freya: "among other things that shall not be named at this moment"

Carol: "and siblings?"

Freya: "thor and loki are my siblings"

She looks over at Thor and Loki

Freya: "I am the youngest child of Odin. These two are my older but foolish and idiotic brothers"

Thor: "hey we are not foolish!"

Loki: "I would not  argue with her right now dear brother"

Wanda: "so it worked. That's good to know"

Bruce: "can you say something that only your brothers would know?"

Freya: "years ago Loki compelled me to cut sifs hair off as a harmless joke. ''Twas not a harmless joke. She slapped me which left a mark for days"

Everyone turns to Loki

Loki: "it was a mistake. I took my punishment"

Everyone turns back to freya

Carol: "so all this time you were an asgardian goddess"

She playfully punches freyas arm

Freya: "yes I am"

Pietro: "that is awesome!"

Freya chuckles

Freya: "I suppose it is"

Daisy: "sorry we took Long. But good news, that kree guys is back on asgard"

Sif: "and is in a cell at the p-"

Freya sees Sif

Freya: "sif?"

Sif: "f-freya"

Freya nods

Sif runs over and jumps into freyas arms

Sif: "Reya!"

Tears were streaming down sifs face. They put their foreheads together

Freya: "hey 'tis okay, 'tis okay "

Sif: "I missed you so much"

Freya: "so did I"

She kisses sifs forehead

Freya: "I am alright darling"

She puts Sif down and kisses her

Freya OdinsdottirWhere stories live. Discover now