Romance II

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Crossance woke up, he had slept in one of the rooms of the castle as he was too lazy to go back to his own house after they brought the kidnappers here and sorted out their punishments and how much it would be to allow them to leave early.

He put on his armor with the matching gauntlets and wrapped his scarf around him. He hoped that today wouldn't be very busy, he didn't feel like doing much.

Crossance opened the wooden door that led to the hallway, a few other rooms were on the other side. The castle let the Royal Guards stay in one of the small rooms if they needed to, like if they were injured and it was too risky to let them go home, or if they were even too poor. The current queen cared much about her subjects, they would probably be seeing her around more if it wasn't for some unknown fact to him that she and the king had to stay away from them all.

He lifted his nose to the ceiling, not too noticeably, so he could take in the smell of the breakfast just a while aways. Crossance's ears pricked up in surprise, he almost ran into someone, Everytime that happened they would tell him that he was so short they didn't even see him there. But this Khajiit jumped away from him once he also realized Crossance was there.

They were concealing their face with a dark scarf and kept their distance from him. Crossance couldn't tell if they had snuck in or were allowed to be here by the way they were acting. But before he could decide they walked past him without saying anything.

Crossance furrowed his brow, it was too early for this. He shook his head and walked down the hall, eventually getting to the dinning hall where he could pick out where Horus and Kevin were sitting which he quickly went over to.

"Took you long enough" Kevin said as Crossance sat next to them and quickly took a sweet roll. Kevin looked over at him with black eyes, he had dark stripes running from his eyes and a wolf pelt around his shoulders on the guard armor. Kevin had been in the Royal Guard longer than Crossance and Horus had, his armor was different from theirs with a design carved onto the shoulders.

"Yeah, Horus thought your tail might've gotten stuck in the door" Horus laughed.

Crossance rolled his eyes and ignored them, instead began to eat the sweet roll he had grabbed. One time Horus had taken a few extra and hid them. He said that the cooks could make sweet rolls for days and that no one would miss a few anyways, and it must've been true because Burr, the head of the Royal Guard, didn't do anything but give him a look of disapproval from the other side of the room.

Horus had already gotten more food, he could eat for days.That's probably why
he was so much taller than most of the of the other Khajiit, except for Crossance's brother of course. Some people think that because he had been traveling so long before reaching the village, and was starving half the way, gave him an unquenchable hunger. No one really knew much about his origins, or Kevin's for that matter. Both of them had been outsiders from who knows where.

Over the chatter of the many guards in the dinning area Crossance heard a door open, naturally his ears directed towards it and he looked up to see what it was. It was coming from the hallway Crossance had left earlier. Horus and Kevin saw and copied him, seeing through the silhouettes of everyone else.

Crossance immediately recognized Nootmyrrh, she didn't look over at the tables just made her way across the room to another door. Drem, a yellow tabby with golden gem crown, one of Nootmyrrh's sisters followed, a shorter white and black Khajiit was in the middle of the two. Everyone could assume it was Sink, the third princess that everyone barely knew or saw.

There were times Crossance talked with Nootmyrrh and she had told him a few things about Sink. Nootmyrrh described her as a "Plan C", since her parents believed Drem would give in to everyone too easily and Nootmyrrh wouldn't do anything for anyone (Which Crossance fully disagreed with). In short, they thought neither of the two would be good rulers so Sink.

Sink seemed to notice their stares and looked over at the three. She had two mismatched eyes, orange and blue, with a splotch on her cheek.
Her eyes landed on one of them in particular. They held gazes for a while before the three princesses finally left.

Crossance and Kevin simultaneously looked over at Horus who was star struck.

"Crossance can't believe you've done this." Crossance said to him.

"Don't tell Kevin that both of you now have crushes on the princesses-" Kevin groaned in dismay.

"What" Crossance and Horus both said now looking over at Kevin.

"This isn't going to go well." Kevin shook his head.

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