Romance V

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Usually I'd try to avoid adding notes at the beginning of my chapters but I'm sorry 😩 it's been awhile bvewrgjvevq
Just so that some of you are aware of how painfully long this story bouta be here is where I stopped writing last time.

Usually I'd try to avoid adding notes at the beginning of my chapters but I'm sorry 😩 it's been awhile bvewrgjvevqJust so that some of you are aware of how painfully long this story bouta be here is where I stopped writing last time

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Section freAkIng 75 😩😩😩😩 I hope you'll stick with me through it all!
Welp that's all goodbye :)

Crossance's claws tapped on the wooden table where he sat. He figured that if Horus's plan at all worked then Burr would inform him of his new status.
Not that he cared much, he liked walking around and patrolling outside the castle, but now he was inside the castle and would have to stay in one spot for hours on end who knows if it's even worth it-
He shook his head, it didn't matter if he would be bored out of his mind. Even if Horus was using the excuse of the princesses' safety to get closer to one of them doesn't mean they aren't here to actually look out for them.

He perked up when doors were opened. Like Crossance had expected it was Burr who entered. He wasn't alone though, a few younger Khajiit were following him, they wore royal guard armor and since Crossance had never seen them before, he assumed that they were new.

"And speak of the devil-" Crossance heard Burr say as he walked over to him with the younger yet still taller apprentices. "Burr has changed you and Horus's guarding posts."

So it had worked, by some Divine's power Horus's insane plan had worked. Crossance nodded, following what the other had to say.

"Don't worry about your old route, one of these four will be taking your place." He motioned behind him to the new guards. "Tomorrow morning is when your new shift starts!"

"Alrighty then." Crossance nodded once more. Tomorrow he wouldn't be able to walk around the village, and he would just have to stand there in a hallway. Well at least Horus would be with him.

"You four go on, Burr has a few more things to say." Crossance tilted his head curiously, wondering what else Burr had to say as the apprentices dipped their heads and went off to the towering double door exit. "Burr was told by princess Drem that she needed to talk to you."

"Oh, what for?" He asked, he'd never paid much attention to her but did know more about her than he did Sink. It surprised him that she would have something to say to him.

Burr shrugged "Burr doesn't know, but if he would have to guess it's probably something about princess Nootmyrrh." He smirked.

Crossance tried to act like that didn't affect him and raised a brow. Were Kevin and Horus right!? Everyone was beginning to catch on? They already knew?! Oh by the Divines. Acting unphased wasn't working, his twitching tail gave away how he felt, curse the darn thing.

Burr laughed a bit, putting a hand on Crossance's shoulder. "Don't worry! Burr was only kidding." He lifted his hand back off of him. "Since you'll be heading that way you'll be able to see the northwest hallway where you and Horus will be guarding then."

Crossance was thankful that the subject was changed. Though the relationship was nothing despite his crush, people will do what they will with the information they receive. He didn't want anything to go wrong, he still didn't know how Nootmyrrh even felt.

"-that's all. Have a good day Crossance." Burr finished, leaving him be.

"You too sir" Crossance said, he hadn't realized he zoned out the whole rest of what Burr had to say. Oh well, hopefully it wasn't important.

He stood up and made his way to the door that they'd earlier seen the princesses go through. Crossance wasn't very scared of what Drem would have to tell. He heard that she was very nice, nicer than Nootmyrrh they said. The two were polar opposites.

It didn't take long to get to the hallway, the place where he had to stand until his legs said farewell to this world.

This wasn't the first time he had been here actually, the library was down the hall a little ways, along with the alchemy labs. Crossance would sometimes go to the library, not that he was one to read much though, he went because Nootmyrrh liked it there. And Crossance didn't even know why the castle had an alchemy lab, it was rare for any Khajiit to even know magic. Learning the dragon shouts was even more work, it took one's whole life to learn them, even longer, an eternity would have to be spent just to learn one. But that was a different story if they were a Dragonborn.

He eventually came to a hallway, after walking up some stairs, it forked, going straight or to the right. The right of the hall is where the alchemy is, and the princesses and other royalty rooms lead straight ahead.

Each pathway paved nicely and smoothly, some lit torches sat in their holders on the stone walls, above it all was a stained glass window, the sun making it's many colors sparkle and shine brightly onto the floor. The window's design was of the many phases of the moons. The center of the window though was an eclipse, the sun glowing red like blood as it stood behind the moons.

The Khajiit took their moon knowledge very seriously. The moons had done so much for them, such as giving them moon sugar, watching out for the spirits, being literal gods, and determining so much of their futures. So you could imagine what happened when they disappeared for an eternity, but that was long before Crossance.

Crossance would've liked to admire the window longer but he feared what would happen if he looked into the sun for too long, and also someone had called out his name.
It didn't take long to figure out who though, as from the hallway in front of him he saw Drem.
She looked a lot like Nootmyrrh, except shorter, with yellow stripes and a crown just like her sister's but yellow. Even their clothing was alike, with the black robe and golden shoulder armor.

"Crossance Drem needs to have a word with you!" She called out to him as she sped walked over to him.

"What is it?" Crossance asked her, confused at what this was all about.

"It's about Nootmyrrh Crossance, Nootmyrrh!" Drem said, a bit too loudly for the hallway, her voice echoing a bit.

"W-what? Calm down-" Crossance raised his hands in front of him, still trying to price this together, what happened to Nootmyrrh!?

Drem stopped and did what he said, calm down. She stood up straight collecting herself once more, unfortunately she was also taller than Crossance. "She wanted to spend time with you Crossance." She sighed.

"Oh, right- Well Crossance did too but Horus and Kevin needed him-" he bagan but didn't know what else to say. Drem was about to add something but stopped her. "Okay uhm how about, Crossance goes and sees her now, yes?" He suggested.

"That's what Drem thought. Now go get a move on she's in the library!" She said, turning Crossance around and pushing him into the hallway he came from previously.

"A-alright-!" Crossance stumbled. For his first real time meeting Drem he didn't know if he'd describe her as very nice. But hey that was just his opinion. He didn't want to tick her off more, so he began walking, or so he thought, it was more of a jog by now. Now heading to the library, today had him running all around the place didn't it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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