Romance III

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Watching every shadow amongst the houses and shops, Crossance patrolled his route of the village. Nothing much happened, which he was thankful for. (Though they were still keeping an eye out for the criminals from yesterday just in case.) That meant no one was getting hurt, and that he could enjoy this as if it were free time. But don't get him wrong, when something is wrong he would step up. And hopefully not go breaking down any doors like yesterday.

He took the chance to admire the village, the houses were all relatively the same but each had something that brought them out such as a garden or a banner. The shops hung their goods to show off what they had, and the new weapons at the blacksmiths glistened in the sun.

The inhabitants of the village were out and about as well, carrying on with their lives and doing their jobs much like him. They were simple people, traveling in trading caravans, like Crossance's brother, and specializing in selling Moon Sugar, or weapons if you were farther north.
Unfortunately they also had their downsides, being titled as thieves and stereotyped with horrible attitudes along with the illegal trade of Skooma (which was made from Moon Sugar.) They weren't even allowed to go into any other villages because of these things, they always had to be accompanied by someone from that town or a traveller that wasn't Khajiit.

Crossance looked over to hear someone saying something. It was a brown striped Khajiit with a cloak and torn red scarf, Dusty, he was known for his insanity. He claimed he could tell the future and speak to the spirits. Kevin had known him as Dusty was once in the Royal Guard, but after the incident, Burr was made the new head of the guard and he told Dusty that his time serving them was over.
Maybe there were a few times that one of Dusty's predictions were right, but it wasn't often.

"Dusty can feel it, the dread in the air and the hatred, a battle is boiling up… one day, one day soon…" He stared down at his hands, trembling.

Crossance looked away from the other, continuing to walk, but it wouldn't be soon before he was stopped again.

He turned a corner and that's when he felt someone come up behind him and made him jump and his fur to fluff up in defense.

When he turned around to face them he was met with purple eyes and he calmed down again, flattening his fur. "Nootmyrrh what are you doing here?" Crossance asked looking up at her. The fact that it was more proper to say "princess" at the beginning had slowly began to slip from his mind after a while, Nootmyrrh didn't seem to care about that though.

"Nootmyrrh has nothing else to do does she? And she thought you enjoyed her company." Nootmyrrh frowned slightly and looked off to the side.

"What, yes Crossance does!" He blurted but quickly calmed down. "Crossance does enjoy your company Nootmyrrh." He said smiling. "It's just that maybe next time you shouldn't attempt an air assassination on him." Crossance joked a bit. "But also, after yesterday should you really be going out into the village, what if they come back.."

"Well Nootmyrrh isn't alone this time, you're a somewhat capable guard." Nootmyrrh said.

"Somewhat?" Crossance asked her, tilting his head.

"Well, yesterday you didn't really think before you acted. That isn't a sign of one being a very capable guard, you probably should've been more stealthy before barging into that house." Nootmyrrh crossed her arms.

"Well- hm- fair enough." He shrugged and gave up, he didn't want to carry on a conversation that was about how incapable he was of being a guard anyway.

Crossance began to walk his route again, this time Nootmyrrh followed him. Most of their conversation from then on was meaningless but that didn't mean Crossance wanted the conversation to end. But it did.


Crossance's ears perked up and he turned to the whispers. Nootmyrrh raised an eyebrow when she saw Kevin and Horus hiding behind one of the houses calling over at them.

Crossance looked at them like "what do you want" and his answer was just Horus waving him over quickly.

Crossance put on a nervous smile and looked back up at Nootmyrrh. "Maybe later today we can talk again-?"

Nootmyrrh said nothing but shrugged slightly before walking away from him. Crossance's ears dropped before running over to Kevin and Horus.

"What is it!?" He hissed, shaking his hands in front of him.

"You two and your stupid love lives-" Kevin groaned.

"You're just sad, that you don't have a stupid love life too" Horus said to Kevin.

"Well that's as far as you know! Kevin could have a love life but he's just smart about it and keeps hidden unlike you two!"

"Don't worry Kevin, maybe one day they'll notice you.." Horus shook his head slowly.

Kevin sighed, he decided not to argue with this man.

"Okay yeah great what" Crossance asked again, annoyed.

"Calm down, you talk to Nootmyrrh almost every day you'll get to talk again a-" Horus started but Crossance cut him off.

"Well after your guy's stunt a few minutes ago probably not anymore."

"-as Horus was saying, because you talk to them so much, we-"

"You" Kevin interrupted and corrected Horus, he didn't want any part of this.

"-Horus, needs you to help him, with a plan.."

"Oh no, is this about Princess Sink?" Crossance was just concerned now.

"Maybe-" Horus said.

"You guys just met today, and barely. You stared at each other from across the room." Kevin said unenthusiastically.


Crossance stared around at the passing people that were also staring. "Guys let's not do this here-"

"JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T LOVE DOESN'T MEAN WE CAN'T" Horus continued, putting his hands on Kevin's shoulders and shaking him.


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