Good mourning

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3 A.M.

I lifted my wooden stool into the air bringing it back down with a crash breaking two of its legs before discarding it across the room. I pulled the sheets off my bed tearing them into tiny pieces , along with beating my pillows over and over again 'Til stuffing laid across my wooden floor.

Using my curtain rod that had no purpose with its curtains now torn and stretched , to bash in my mirror that reflected my sickening face at the moment. Next to go was my window using my bare hands , punching it twice it shattered to the earth floor beneath my cabin. I wrapped my bloody knuckles into an old white shirt ripping off the bottom.

I breathed in deeply letting the sound of the Owls fill the room. I went down on my knees falling back on my butt , I closed my eyes wrapping myself in my arms rocking back and forth. There was the first shudder , then the entire breakdown completely. I let myself cry the only time I let myself cry , I let it out not wanting to be bothered with the repercussions of not letting go.

5 A.M.

I crunched on the dead leaves of fall taking my usual path. Reaching the spot - my sanctuary I kneeled down on one knee reaching back and pulling out an arrow. I put the arrow in my crossbow steadying it , I brought it up into the air squinting one eye.

I waited.

Then I released letting the arrow shoot through the air. The bird fell without grace into the open with my arrow sticking out of its chest. I walked towards it throwing it into my game sack on my back. I continued on walking quietly , one foot in front of each other. There was a scamper to my right , I shot quickly letting the rabbit fall .

I placed the rabbit in my sack continuing to walk again. I stayed quiet letting the wind blow through my hair. I stopped my heightened senses taking control , it's scent fluttered past my nose. My ears catching the sound of the grass it was chewing on , it started to walk not noticing it me.

6 A.M.

If only it had noticed me.

I rapidly shot to my left the arrow cutting through the air without a noise.
Then nothing , I started towards where my arrow flew seeing it sunk into a deers stomach. The deer lay unconscious as I picked my arrow out of its intestines.

I carefully placed the deer over my shoulders standing back up to walk home. Halfway there I heard rustling in the trees I wrinkled my eyebrows together in confusion. This was the path most unknown by many , but I stopped not sensing any danger. I waited for him to reveal himself standing patiently , Conrad stepped out from the trees looking somber.

"When you return your home should already be fixed" I bowed my head in appreciation turning to walk again until he called out my name. I turned once more facing him "what do you want Larkin?" I didn't hesitate with my answer I never do because it's the same question I've been asked since it happened.

"Revenge Conrad , I want revenge"

I left without another word leaving him behind in the woods. The weight of the deer on my shoulders was nothing , the weight of my past on my shoulders was everything.

As I returned to the village I dropped my game off at the butcher for the communal feast. Returning home , to my spotless home I was met by one of the council leaders who stood as he saw me. "Morning Larkin , you have an assignment" I opened my front door "fine".

I walked to my new flowered sheets on my bed sitting down. I lowered my head brushing my hair back before falling backwards and counting my ceiling popcorn.

7 A.M.

A/N so this is the first chapter of my new book belligerence about Larkin Hathaway the vampire hunter who is a girl I got a complaint that Larkin didn't sound feminine but I wanted her to have a unique name so fuck off please anyway the chapter is so short I know!!! But I wanted it this way y'know short and sweet or sad in this case but yeah I hope you like it because I absolutely love it!! Buh bye slayers!!

P.s. The fan name slayers is from my previous book the turbulent lifestyle if you are a new reader and have not already read it.

P.p.s. I'm not really good at casting characters so should I just keep my old female lead and change everyone else or make the female lead you and change everyone else? Comment please if you don't I'm keeping the old female lead and yes I do love BWWM relationships.

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