Spy games

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I waited inside the lobby wearing large black glasses flipping through my phone. Apparently the princes had left over an hour ago , so I sat waiting for their return.

Suddenly two tall men walked through the front doors deep in a conversation. I lowered my head to seem as if I was looking at my phone , but kept my gaze on the men. God what is it about vampires that makes them all look like male models.

Oh well

I sat still as they were about to pass me looking at them out of my peripheral vision. Then one of the men dressed in a black suit and gray overcoat stopped , he turned his head looking in my direction. By this time I anticipated his actions and quickly moved before he could see me sitting there.

Levi POV

Alec and I had returned to La Sangsue after going to the woods fetching us something to eat ; conversing about our moves to find the hunter. "We should ask local vampires about sightings of a hunter in a local area" Alec said. I still didn't want to do this especially after finding out this hunter was a woman.

"Brother please enough for tonight this topic makes me sick" he nodded his head walking a little ahead of me as we were about to pass the square fountain in the lobby. Suddenly that lavender and Rosemary smell flooded my nose again , I stopped at the fountain looking over only to see air where the scent lay.

I shook my head thinking myself crazy continuing on my walk to my room.

Larkin POV

I followed them to their room keeping quiet as a mouse. The man with the long slicked back hair unlocked the door walking inside ; with me following closely behind. I slid behind the couch as they stripped themselves of their accessories.

"What do you think father is up to tonight now?" There was a sigh " probably destroying someone's life or making incompetent decisions either way none of them are good so why does it matter?" The slicked back hair began walking towards a room "you're right it doesn't matter , I'm gonna get some sleep goodnight brother"

He turned off his light climbing into bed soon after as I laid underneath the bed I couldn't help but think that this whole thing was a bust. I waited ten minutes later hearing snoring before coming from underneath the bed.

I army crawled to the balcony doors pushing them open as I stepped onto the patio I stood on top of the railing. I looked down once then jumping off completely , once at the bottom I landed on my two feet running off.

Levi POV

I watched as she jumped from my balcony railing all the way to the bottom. When I stood up out of my bed she was running across the parking lot looking as beautiful as she smells.

Or at least I think she's beautiful I haven't seen her face just yet. I knew she was spying the whole time luckily my brother hadn't noticed. Tomorrow I will find her in her woods and see how truly beautiful she is then.

Her white lies won't be able to protect her from what I already know.

A/N ahhhh snap shit just dropped (I'm gonna stop being corny now) anyway what the hell Levi Larkin tried her best to be all stealthy and then here you come with your super powerful smelling powers to ruin it all Gosh Napoleon... I MEAN LEVI!.... Anywhore! What do you think is gonna go down in the woods?... And he wants to find out how beautiful she is woah there Levi and... Alec and Levi go to the woods for their food are they feeding on humans they drag into the woods or animals I mean dint ask me cuz I don't know I just write the story and that's it this story controls me not the other way around sorry until next chapter lovelies!

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