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I stood on the rooftop of the building across from the club Midnight.

A notorious vampire club which is more of a feeding ground for them , on humans high off ecstasy. A disgusting slaughterhouse for the fucking bats.

I sat with one leg hanging off the roof dangling in the wind. I raised my binoculars focusing them to get a better look at the door. As soon as I spotted the three I unclipped my walkie talkie "The Vamps have been spotted going inside the club" I waited a minute to receive a message "good we're going to move in" I quickly brought it back to my lips "no I'm going in alone, stand down sector one"

I stood ridding myself of the binoculars , I checked my guns for ammo then making sure my stakes were still in their rightful place. My walkie talkie came in again "you're going against orders Larkin you can't do that" I stood on the edge of the rooftop as I replied "but I always go against orders" . I jumped off the roof landing one one knee into the back alleyway.

I jogged across the street into the back of the club kicking the door in. I held my gun out in front of me pointing it to the corners and perimeter of the room , making sure it was clear I walked out of the room into the actual club. Strobe lights bounced off every wall making my surroundings look like a stop motion movie. I tucked my gun into the back holster of my jeans , securing it before walking forward. In the V.I.P sections it was crowded with girl and guy vampires sucking the life out of stupid unconscious humans. I slipped into shadows of the large square room , slipping past unsuspecting bodies.

I searched the room for the three mass murderers , finding them in a back corner sweet talking a female vamp on a couch. I walked over sitting down nonchalantly , I waited for at least one of them to smell me before saying anything. One of the three quickly turned their heads my way getting the other two attentions. They hissed in my face backing away I wiped under my eye as if they spit on me.

I turned my head to the female vampire " leave now sweetie or join them while they burn" she hurriedly stood to her feet scurrying off like a rat. The biggest one sighed " what do you want hunter" I laid my head on my palm seeming as if it was obvious what I wanted " you've been killing a lot lately Victor , John , and Andrew too many in fact , the thing about that is we need the human race to still be here and you killing them off just isn't helping".

John pointed at me " and what are you gonna do about it princess" I laughed dryly "well I've been sent to take care of you three" I guess it was their turn to laugh , but it was short lived as I shot one bullet into the head of Andrew. They stared shocked as they watched his body dissolve into burning ash , they both stood now snarling. Victor was the first to come at me , I jumped into the air wrapping my one leg around his neck bringing him down on his back. As he thrashed around in my leg John ran towards me only making it halfway before I shot one off into his chest.

Dealing with victor now I took a wooden stake from boot stabbing it into his stomach. I removed the stake as his body burned , I walked out the way I came pulling my walkie talkie out "assignment done" still walking down the sidewalk it went off "good job , return on home now". I put the walkie talkie back on my belt walking back to the village.

When I returned my team was waiting for me. Conrad sped walked toward me throwing off his helmet "what the hell Larkin you weren't supposed to go in alone , like every mission you go on it is not a one man assignment" . Still with a stoic face I kept walking to my cabin " I don't need a whole militia of men to handle a simple job , and if it's not a one man job now then maybe it should be" Conrad was fixed on saying something else when he was cutoff by a voice " Larkin is right she can clearly handle herself , without anyone's help so from this day on she will handle her business alone"

Conrad was fuming " you can't send her out there alone Tom" Tom stared at Conrad before turning around " watch me" . I shook my head in Conrad's direction "if he thinks it's okay then it's okay" I made it up to my porch , unlocking my door. "Thanks for fixing it up around here , now goodnight Conrad" with that I closed my door in his face stripping myself of my clothes as I edged closer to my bed.

In bed I placed my phone on its iPod dock selecting a song to sleep to. My first choice was Marilyn Manson. The last lyrics I heard before drifting off into sleep were my favorite.

We're killing strangers

A/N another short chapter but Larkin is a total badass vampire killer she's definitely a favorite character now I absolutely love her and her badassness ways 😂 and if you haven't figured it out already the song of the chapter we're killing strangers by Marilyn Manson yes Larkin does like this song but she's not a trigger happy person she's not sadistic or anything it's just when she hears this song she associates it with all the vampires she's killed so yeah she's not a lunatic oh and guys don't forget to comment, vote , and whatever else you can do on here to make my book more awesome alright okay love ya!

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