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My breathing was steady as I laid in a push up position slowly lifting my feet off the ground. I used my upper body strength to push the lower half of my body into the air , almost like a handstand.

I held that for twenty seconds before going back down repeating the workout ten times.

But I wasn't finished yet.

I set up fifty targets for my daggers. I held two in my hands jumping from foot to foot. Quickly I threw one dagger then the other.

I hurriedly grabbed more not thinking wether or not the dagger ever actually made it to the target. When I stopped and laid my hands down by my sides I saw the knives.

Each one landing perfectly in the middle of each target. My chest rose higher with each deep heavy breath.

Lately the only thing I could ever think about was Levi. Then thoughts of him were followed up by how dangerous this was , but deep down I cared too much about him to give him up so those thoughts quickly went away.

Currently I laid on the training room floor looking at the ceilings dim lights. Skin glistening slightly from the smallest bits of perspire. As I continued to lay down a sharp pain exploded throughout my back.

I took in a sharp breath arching my back off the ground , tears brimming my eyes. The colors in my eyes began to swirl making my vision blurry.

Suddenly everything was black.

A picture of Levi and I holding onto to each other for dear life appeared. I screamed to him to never let me go then him promising that he never would. Everything was black around us yet we were being blown against violently.

The words that kept sweeping around us were 'reborn' and 'death'. I've never been one to scare easily but I was going out of my mind by this point.

I couldn't hold on any longer I could feel myself being sucked under. A single tear fell from my eye until I was completely engulfed by the dirt.

Then I came back to my vision going back to normal. The pain was gone and I was back in the training room panting my life away.

When I looked down at myself I was covered in dirt. It was caked under my fingernails and painted across my legs and arms. I scurried to my feet rubbing at the dirt trying to get it off me.

I took in a deep breath closing my eyes before opening them again. My breathing was slow now as I thought , something was wrong , something is always wrong.

"Fuck" I knew I had to go see Levi even if it wasn't the wisest choice I had no one else to go to. I ran back to my home hopping in the front seat of my car.

I skipped being checked in , in the front and opted just to go through his balcony doors. I parked the car below his room stepping out of the car.

I shook out my legs backing up a bit before sprinting forward. I leapt into the air off of my foot grabbing hold of the piece of wall jutting out.

With one hand securely on the wall I swung my body towards the railing. On the third swing I grabbed hold of the bars swinging myself over landing safely on his patio.

I fixed my high ponytail before stepping inside the French doors. I looked at his bed to see it neatly made up not a wrinkle insight.

I began walking to his bedroom when it swung open revealing a young man. His brown shoulder length hair is slicked back with a dime sized scar on the right side of his head.

I stood like a deer in headlights just staring like an idiot. He saw me and raised one eyebrow , then smirking revealing a little dimple in his cheek.

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