Chapter 5

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" I was just trying new stuff?"  I say slowly to him. 

" Yeah. " He states like its obvious. 

" Isn't it against gay code and guy code for you to allow me out of the house looking like a douche?" I say with a dead stare. He hates when I say stuff like that. Ray isn't your stereotypical gay guy. You wont find him in half the stuff tv tells you gay guys wear. If you didn't know he was gay, you think he was just more on the metropolitan side. 

"Fuck you Brody"  ugh. He knows I hate that name.  Its what he calls me to get back at me for saying anything douche like.   I decide I  don't actually have to talk to him at all. Childish, I know.  I hang back a bit behind him, so he knows how upset I am with him.  Strike two motherfucker. As we get closer to Peet's I could have swore I heard the waitresses' voice from yesterday but I couldn't see her anywhere. I just saw a tall brunette guy standing by his car.  I turned back around and ran into Ray at the door who was then pushed forward. 

"Eep!"  I heard. I froze. no.  I look around Ray and there she was on the ground. Ray helped her up.  

" I am so sorry. I should have paid more attention and I'm sure this doofus didn't mean to push me either.  

" No I didn't.  Are you okay?!"  I ask, but before she can respond the guy I  saw earlier is over to us.  Pretty sure we had it handled but whatever. He only looks at her. 

" Are you okay babygirl?"  she blushes and my brows furrow. I can see the tears threatening to fall. 

"Em, I'm okay. Really, you should go" she says and pushes him a bit. Em?  oh. She knows him.  He gives her a look I cant quite decipher, kisses her on the forehead and turns to leave.   He makes eye contact with both Ray and I .  

" Maybe you guys should really watch where you're going" he practically growls out. Looks back at her one more time and heads back to his car.  We both turn to her and she has a deep blush on her cheeks. 

"Sorry about Em. He can be a bit protective. Anyway,  Welcome to peet's?"  She says and holds the door open. A bit? I'm pretty sure he's gonna hunt us down and murder us like we stole his car,  but okay sure.  Lets all downplay his rage.  I  hold the door instead and let them both go ahead .  I watched as she brushed the gravel and dirt off her skirt. I should feel bad but I could only think about how great her ass  looks in this skirt.  I could feel eyes on me and I prayed they weren't hers. I look away from her ass and am met with ray's creeper smile.   Luckily she  didn't see me.    We get settled in a booth and turn to see her standing at  the edge of the table.

" I figured  I would just take your order.  Redbull again today sir?" I'm not gonna lie my brain short-circuited when she called me sir.  That was weird. 

" Actually doll, I'll take something hot and sweet" As soon as I said that I wanted to punch myself in the face.  I closed my eyes . hard. and hoped she would just walk away and we would start over. 
" I know just the thing" she said softly.  

Ray clears his throat.  

  " After that, I think I need vodka, but I'm sure you don't have that.  I'll just take a mocha  drip.  Thanks Michaela!"  Michaela! That was her name.  I feel like a dick.  she smirks at  him. 

  " I'll be  right back  with your drinks." I of course watched her walk away.  ray chuckles. 

"Dude! you're gonna catch a charge before our drinks get here at this rate.  I'm gonna need to see  some I.D. before I continue to let you assault her with your eyes."  He had a point.  I thought she might be 16/17. I was praying I was wrong.  We talked for a bit while we waited on our drinks.  

" Here you go, here's your mocha drip. and here's your something hot and sweet sir." she says as she gingerly sit my drink down. I'm so intrigued.  she just stares at me, waiting for me to blindly trust her. How  cute she looks in that pink sweater, id probably drink anything if I'm being honest.   I take a sip staring her right in the eyes, smiling a bit when I see her infamous blush. 

" Its good, Doll. what is it?"    Why do I keep calling her that? probably because she looks like one of those posh American dolls.   Her eyes gets really wide. 

" Its a White chocolate macadamia cookie latte with a scoop of ice cream melting at the bottom!"  she practically yelled at me as she bounced  on the balls  of her feet.  Ray looks at me. I know that looks, we're both thinking the same thing. Dammit! She's a child. 

" Damn doll,  that's a lot of sugar. Do you drink that shit everyday?" she flinched back a bit and hung her head down.  
" Not EVERY day. Just a lot of the days..."  Ray laughs.  

" Take it easy Kid, we're not gonna tell your parents." 

" I'm not  a kid, enjoy your coffee guys  "  she scoffs and walks away.   Ray looks at me. 

"  Dude. I'm sorry" I don't know if he's sorry that he upset  her or that she's a minor.  I just shrug it off. As  I take another sip of my coffee,  I find myself scanning the coffee shop  looking for her.  When I see her, shockingly enough I find her already looking at me.  Her eyes slightly widen when she realizes I'm looking at her. I smirk over my cup at her and silently curse myself as I get lost in those blues of hers. 

God help me. Forgive me for I have sinned. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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