Chapter 1

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"Come on Cody, we're going out for drinks. Won't you join us this once?" Ray asked me from across the room. 

"For once? I've only not gone a couple of times, what are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration. 

"Yeah, but since you and Natalie broke up, you don't wanna go out anymore." I flinch at the sound of that She-devil's name. 

"I'll go out when I'm ready. Just leave me alone" I turned the other way on the couch and turned the volume on the TV. Stupid Ray. Bringing up Natalie was low, even for him. I mean its been 6 months since we broke up, but giving that we were together for 6 years I think I had every right to mope. I hear the door slam behind me and Ray mutter something along the lines of " I should just kick your ass".   After Ray left I realized I didn't actually want to stay in the house. Go figure, right?  So I turned off the TV and got in the shower. After a much needed hot  30 minute shower I got dressed and Headed to Peet's coffee with My laptop.

"Good Evening! Welcome to Peet's, What can I  get you?" I heard from in front of me. I glanced up at the person in front of me. I am ashamed to say I stared at the beauty for a little longer than a person is comfortable with.

" Uh... Just a.. um... Let's just do a RedBull Italian Soda. Raspberry." She smiles at me and Leaves. She's a tiny thing, but Gawd is she a bombshell. As she walked away I'm ashamed to admit I checked her out. Dammit Cody get yourself together she cant be more than 17, you don't need that in your life. As she was coming back to the table to bring me my drink  My phone vibrated and shook the whole table. The screen read Doofus so I sent him to Voicemail, only to have him Call again. I really didn't want to be rude and answer the phone when I know I was her next table, but he wasn't going to stop.

"What??" I answered. I heard him chuckle.

" Hey I'm not really feeling this club so i'm gonna leave and swing by Peet's. You want anything?" My eyes widened at that. He cannot know that I'm here. 

"Uh.. yeah no. I'm good" I try not to sound too suspicious.

" Are you sure?" Before I can respond I hear a voice at the table next to me say " Welcome to Peet's. What can I get you?" I froze. 

" Oh Can I just get a traitorous best friend and a large Caramel latte?" I hung up the phone and turned around. The waitress looked confused at us for a second but turned to get his latte.

" Ray it isn't what you think." 

" Oh? So you arent at my favorite coffee  place WITHOUT me?" I tried to answer him, I really did but I saw my waitress smile at one of the other customers and I couldn't breathe. She was so beautiful. I saw Ray turn his head to see what caught my attention. He smiled and turned back around as if he figured everything out.

"Ah, Why didn't you just say so? And here I thought you were gonna stay at home and mope around about Natalie but my man! You've already moved on, but dude isn't she too young for you?" He asked looking a little worried. Wait he thought I was here because of her? okay... I can swing this. Finally she made her way towards us and I watched every swing of her hips from across the room.

" One Large Raspberry RedBull Italian Soda. Oh! I didn't know you were having another person join you,I'm sorry. What can I get you sir?" I watched as she bowed her head a little. Strange. 

" How about you tell me when you get off and I'll come back and you don't have to get me anything but i'll definitely give  you something." What??? I felt my Jaw clench when she blushed and looked away as if she was actually thinking about it. 

" Actually another waitress took care of his drink, but I think I would settle for your name." Ray looked at me and then I realized I had blew it. He totally knew. 

She made eye contact with me " Michaela" We stared at each other for a second longer and ray goes " So wait... YOU CAME HERE WITHOUT ME??!!" 

A/N: It's not much but It does set up things for the story. let me know what you think! Good and BAD. :)

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