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" Wakey Wakey! Hands off snakey!" Ray chants as he bursts into my room. ugh. 

"Go away Gaymond!"  I say and hold my cover snugly over my head.  I hear him gasp and walk away or so I thought. Next thing I know My covers are being ripped off. 

"Oh my God! What do you want at 8:43am!" I say as I  glance at the clock.  He stares me down as if I should know why this damn Drama King is standing in front of me. 

" We are supposed to be at Peets!"  He is met with a blank stare.  

"The only place I'm supposed to be is In Dreamland Motherfucker. now get the fuck out of my room!" I yell throwing a pillow at his head.  He huffs and slams the door shut on his way out. Rolling over I got right back to sleep. Stupid  whore. 

When I woke up again  it was 12 and my head was killing me.  Its never a good sign when you wake up with a headache.  By the time I make my way to the living room  Ray is lounging on the couch playing some weird Zombie game. 

"Oh sleeping Beauty has awakened"  He said  smirking at me. It wasn't a normal smile, but a creepy "im up to no good" smile. 

" yeah I am. Why? Why is that such a deal?" I say suspicious of him  and his good mood. 

"No reason" He insists. Fucking liar.  I dont know what he's up to, but I'm probably not going to like it.  

"O...kay..Anyway how was Peets?"

"Oh, I haven't gone yet. I was waiting on you. I think its only fair seeing as how shes your girl and all. " I  let out a deep sigh. "Shes not my girl Ray, just some random girl I met in a coffee shop.  

"Yeah, some random girl that you met in a coffee shop and now are going to marry and have like a bijillion babies"  My eyes widen at the sureness in his tone. 
"woah,, woah,woah, woah. Woah! I literally dont even remember her name. Let alone gonna marry her."

"Yeah whatever you say Loverboy, now go get dressed in real clothes so we can go get your girl"  There's no point in arguing with him when he gets like this. 

Looking over myself one more time, I realise I look like a total douche. In an effort to leave the house in a quick manner I forgot to fix my collar,so I have on a leather jacket with dark wash jeans, vans and a polo with a popped up collar. 

"why didn't you tell me I looked like a total dick?" 

" You've been out of the game for awhile,I thought you were just trying new stuff. " 

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