warsaw, 1944

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August 1st, 1944, it was time to rise up! The polish people were sick of nazi's ruling in their land, destroying their culture, and murdering millions. In a local shop, a young man named Augustus porter gripped his STEN submachine gun, as he knew he had to draw blood with it

" Mr.Wiśniewski... I'm scared"

Gus said, timidly

" Don't be, make those filthy Germans pay for what they've done!"

this slightly eased gus, remembering how they beat his father, the man he loved most. It made him boil with rage

he then heard the signal: 

"Warszawa! wzrost!"'

him, and a few other men and woman came out of the building with him, troops were pouring out of buildings like a flood of freedom. Some people were even climbing out of soldiers. This overwhelmed the guards on gus's block. Gus started blind firing in the direction of the German lines, hitting some. The moment he had seen what he had done, he ran a few streets forward.
His little legs got tired, and he caught his breath in an alleyway, he looked to his right, and he saw a german soldier, not much older then him, for a few brief moments they just looked at eachother...just two young boys caught in a war much bigger then themselves. After those few moments, the boy was shot in the head and killed instantly

"C'mon! Advance to the next street!"
said another soldier, gus followed orders and advanced, he got into a building and blind shot in the general direction of German troops, a frag then came into the same wrecked house as gus and a few other soldiers, the last thing gus ever heard was an ear shattering explosion.


Augustus porter


BTW this is the same gus from the owl house 

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