!!!11th Day!!!

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An image-jungkook with a girl :(
Without thinking anything you take his cars and drive to that bar, You find that bar from his image.

And there he was sleeping like crazy and a girl was griding on top of him.

Y/n's pov:-
Fck!how can he sleep so peacefully while someone is trying to fuck him. God.

You pushed that girl aside and and take jungkook from that place & went towards the car. He was heavy actually but you tried hard for him.

You both arrived at home. You helped him to get in his bed when suddenly pushed you on bed and now he was on the top of you. You tried to push him but yeah he was strong.

He started kissing on you cheeks,lips,everywhere on face.

Jungkook!stop you smell bad ughh.

Hey baby!you look so sexy. And i love you.

Thank you!now please push a little i can't breathe. Do you want me to die?

Ohh no no!im sorry. But i love you and no one can take you from me.

He was mumbling because he was half asleep and half awake. He doesn't know what he is talking & ofcourse he will forget about tomorrow.


Hmm say.

Will you marry me?

You were shocked by his words, you were going to talk but he was already sleeping.

Next morning-

Jungkook was sleeping peacefully and you were frustrated by his words that he spoken yesterday.

You were done with your work. You have cooked the breakfast. You started going for college without informing him.

Jungkook's pov:-
I was roaming inside the house to find y/n but she is no where to see. Where she could be now?at college?ughh why my head hurts.
And why she left without even talking?what happened yesterday?

Jungkook started to remember the scenes of yesterday.

Ohh fuck!i asked y/n to marry me? Woww. I wanted to marry her but what is she thinking?what will happen if she'll say no?i think i need to talk with y/n.

Jungkook went to college and seen y/n hanging out with taehyung. It made him jealous but taehyung was only bestfriend of y/n.

Jungkook messaged y/n to meet him at the terrace of the college.

Kookie:- hey baby!i need to talk can you please come at terrace right now?
Y/n:- umm okay fine. Wait there.

Y/n went there and see jungkook with holding a rose and chocolates in hand.

Hey beautifull!

Why did you called me hear jungkook?and if someone will see us then?

Don't care about them baby. I needed to talk to you about yesterday.

Its okay jungkook dont need to think long. Lets cut this crap and move on :)

No y/n i wanted to talk about this. So Y/n we've been in relationship from long and don't you think we should make some decisions.

What are you talking about?

Y/n. Will you marry me?

Huh?tell me it's a joke. I don't think you are taking this thing seriously jungkook you should-

No y/n im serious. Baby will you marry me? I love you alot.

I-I umm yes.

Fuck!did you said yes?
Say it again baby?

Yes jungkook i'll marry you and i love you!

~You both started to kiss each other
And happily lived your life~

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