Chapter 3

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Lan Xichen's breath hitched. Pulling back, he looked away from Jin Guangyao, trying to mask the emotions flooding through his brain. A yao, liked him? What kind of sorcery is this? He wasn't even that amazing or wonderous! a/n: lan xichen ah, lan xichen, if only you knew how many people simp for you He blinked, before turning to face Jin Guangyao, waiting to see him chuckle over successfully tricking him. There was no chuckle.

Jin Guangyao was looking at him with a hungry gaze, as if he were prey. Lan Xichen fidgeted, growing uncomfortable in the silence and the way Jin Guangyao was looking at him. "Uhm, A yao? Are you sure? Because...I...I" Jin Guangyao stopped smiling. Lan Xichen swallowed, before continuing, "It's not that I don't like you or anything, but...I actually can't..."

Jin Guangyao's face fell. "So you're saying, you don't?" Lan Xichen bit his bottom lip. "Lan Xichen, please! From the moment I met you, I fell head over heels for you, please, could you just give me a chance? I could give you anything you want...please?"

Lan Xichen looked down. "A yao...I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say right now, I...don't think I can...I'm sorry..." The urge to leave the room was building up within Lan Xichen, and with that, he bowed hastily to his sworn brother. "Goodbye, Mengyao..." With one swish of his sleeves, Lan Xichen stood up, making his way to the door.

"I was watching you." Lan Xichen turned around. "Pardon?"

Jin Guangyao's back was facing him. He turned his head slightly, his eyes boring into Lan Xichen's soul. "I have always been watching you, Lan Xichen."

Back in Gusu

Lan Xichen shut the door of the Hanshi. Putting back his sword, he collapsed onto the ground.

Lan Xichen POV

I'm feeling so drained...why? I didn't even do much physical training today. My head was feeling so light, and...why do I want to throw up? Is this normal? Or was it because of...

A yao?

I didn't understand A yao. How could anyone even love? Love blinds people, I have seen the consequences of it. Even if I was the "illustrious, great scholar" people claim, I have and will never understand It's too complicated.

I realise I'm on the floor, my robes and sleeves pooled around me. Uncle will have a fit if he sees me like this...but I can't get up. My stomach feels queasy, and the hungry gaze A yao was giving me appeared in my mind again. His last long had he been doing that?

Tears began filling in my eyes. How? When? Why? Why had A yao been doing that? How did I not notice? Another sudden realization hit me. He could be watching me now. I look around, nothing was amiss. How could A yao do this? The tears came flowing down. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Someone was knocking on the door. "Xiongzhang?" I still could not get up. "Xichen-ge! You in there?" It was Wangji and Wei Wuxian.

Lan Wangji POV

Weiying and I have just gotten back from Lotus Pier. He insisted on coming with me to visit Xiongzhang. As we neared the Hanshi, I realized that the light was not lit. Strange, it was dark, and at this time, Xiongzhang should be doing his evening reading. Why wasn't the light on then?

"Xiongzhang?" I knock on the door. "Xichen-ge! You in there?" Weiying exclaimed, nearly making me deaf. "Weiying...not so loud?" I wince. Weiying's eyes widened. "Oh no, my dear Lanzhan! Are your ears fine? Need me to kiss them better?" I could feel my ears turn red. "Shameless." I mutter. Weiying was pouting, I was sure.

Faint shuffling could be heard, before I heard Xiongzhang's voice. "Come in." It was weak, and sounded like he had been crying what was going on? Weiying was frowning too, something definitely was not right.

Sliding the doors to the Hanshi open, I stepped in with Weiying, only to see Xiongzhang on the ground, his eyes gazing elsewhere, and there were tearstreaks on his face. "Xiongzhang!" "Xichen-ge!"

What happened to him?

Third person POV

"Xiongzhang!" "Xichen-ge!"

Lan Wangji stepped over to Lan Xichen. "Xichen-ge...are you alright?" Lan Xichen nodded his head. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I just need a bit...apologies for scaring you both." Lan Wangji's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on Bichen.

"No, Xiongzhang, you are not alright. What happened?" Lan Xichen looked at his brother and brother-in-law. "Who did this to you, Xichen-ge? I will rip them from limb to limb!" Wei Wuxian's face was dark.

"It's alright, I'm just feeling a little weak, no one did anything to me..." Lan Xichen flashed one of his usual smiles in attempt to reassure them. Lan Wangji cautiously released his grip on Bichen slightly. Wei Wuxian's face reverted back to his usual cheeky grin.

"If you say so, Xiongzhang." Lan Xichen smiled again. Oh Wangji...if only you knew...

hello hello...i have an exam tomorrow, but uh, its fine...anyway, here's the next chapter! What do yall think of it? Im sorry, I like making my fav characters cry (is that an obsession? idk) and evil characters eviler. :) hope yall enjoyed it!

ps. my updating schedule is non-existent, i write whenever i want to, or during boring geography classes :) sorry not sorry mr lim 


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