Unit 104

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"You are now members of Unit 104, congratulations on succeeding your entry test!"

We saluted our head commandant Keith Sadies, right hand into a fist against our heart and the other behind our back.

We were visibly excited to get one step into our dream of saving humanity from the titans. There was an impressive amount of new recruits, among them were also survivors from Shinganshina. In time, I hope there will be enough soldiers to wipe out the enemy.

"I won't tolerate any whining or laziness in here. Prepare to regret setting foot in this world and forget the meaning of a weekend. It's this or getting shred to pieces by titans. What do you choose?"

That...didn't sound encouraging at all.

We were soon dispatched in groups. Along with Eren, Mikasa and Armin came Connie and Sasha. The latter had just been reprimanded for eating a potato during the speech. I thought that was pretty bold of her. She had quickly inherited the name: Potato Girl.

We began practicing our balance for the ODM gear. I had swung left, right and had fallen a few times before focusing on my core to stay steady. Mikasa had found no problem to keep her balance, but Reiner and Berthold had outdone themselves. It almost looked like that they been practicing for months.

We were allowed a break when Eren smashed his head on the floor and required medical attention.

«Mikasa, bring a bandage while i hold his head still. Oi ! Eren ! Can you hear me?

-Eren, wake up!"

After a few seconds, he regained consciousness. Mikasa was by his side, quite worried. For safety, she and Armin carried him back to his room.

"The guy even has steam coming out of his head. Man can't even handle the sun" a few recruits were laughing behind us. Idiots! I hope Eren would be alright and would not have a concussion.

I continued practicing on the ODM gear with Armin, as we discussed the various positions that were offered in the event that we were to score high grades.

"Where do you wish to go Armin?"

He was silent for a moment, before answering.

"I am fully aware that I'm not physically as skilled as the other participants. So I'm hoping first not to fail and have the chance to enroll in at least one of the branches. Ideally, I would like to stay with Mikasa, Eren and you.

-I see.

-What about you?

-My father was a commander in Shinganshina before the titans invaded us. He can no longer unfortunately and I want to take his position. I want to return to Shinganshina and reclaim what the titans have stolen from us.

-Have you ever thought about going beyond the walls?"

Armin and I got down on our feet and were dismissed for the day with the rest of the soldiers.

"I've never been there. My parents have. The only information I know is in a book that my parents had given me. Osiria, the world outside looks so magical on the pictures. There is a place, the sea, it's like an infinite road of water with sea creatures we have never seen.

"Father had seen the outside world, but Mother was always too scared because of the titans. Still, I did wonder what existed beyond these walls. After the attack, they no longer looked like protective shields, but more like a prison gates.

-Then let's promise to one day go beyond the walls".

After checking on Eren, who was feeling better and in the good hands of Mikasa, I returned to my room to find a letter from Father. The handwriting was my mother's which meant that they were together again.

"Please reconsider what you are getting into. I have served and would never wish for anyone to see what I have seen beyond the walls. If you wish to pursue, please remain at the Garrison or even better, join the military police. This will secure your future in the inner district, and you could benefit from his Majesty's grace and live a peaceful life".

I frowned. I could see the distress in his writing, even understand his suggestions. It is true, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

I slipped outside for a fresh walk, holding the letter in my hand, thinking how to answer this.

A peaceful life. I wonder what that must be? Were we ever at peace inside the walls?

I bumped against someone and was quick to apologize.

"Soldier what are you doing outside?" asked head commandant Keith. He was accompanied by another commander. He wore a green cape with the insignia of the survey corps, the wings of freedom.

"I'm sorry, I was only going out for some fresh air.

-You need to save your energy for tomorrow's training. If you fail the exams, you will be sent back home, unless that is what you are looking for?

-Don't be so harsh Keith!" said the commander next to him.

"Sir, I..

-This is commander Erwin Smith from the survey corps. Show some respect soldier"

I straightened my back and saluted both men instantly.

"Sir! My apologies! I want to succeed in this training and enroll to protect humanity. I will return to my dorm immediately.

-Have you decided where you wish to enroll then?" asked commander Erwin.

"Sir...I...my father worked for the survey corps in Shinganshina, I wish to follow his footsteps. I am ready to give it my all for a future".

Erwin accepted my words. "then make sure to succeed. Your words state your will to save humanity. I will trust you, soldier, to surprise Keith.

-That is if you go now to your dorm. We start training at dawn.

-Yes sir!"

I waited for them to leave and discreetly looked at them. Commander Erwin Smith's visit turned out to be the sign I was looking for: Join the survey corps.

The military police is no use. The temporary comfort of being at his majesty's service will be of no help once the titans breach all the walls. While the garrison may be an interesting option, it remains a stationary position of defending the walls instead of stopping the enemy.

I should thank the commander later on for his encouragement.

I should thank the commander later on for his encouragement

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Thank you for reading so far. I'm looking forward to keep doing this. Do not hesitate to share your thoughts or add a star to the story. More material to come!


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