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The rain poured outside, something heavy was moving around in the area. I was lying on the cold floor inside a house, breathing heavily and assessing my situation. My knuckles had grazed the floor, my back was not very happy with the blow it took and my heart was all too keen to share its feeling. Luckily, nothing was broken. I would probably feel it tomorrow. I sat up, and verified my ODM gear...ok still functioning and still enough gas to take me back to headquarters. Now, I had to get away from here.

The door was open and too damaged to close. I glanced outside and my heart pounded loudly in my ears. The titan was one house away from my position. Its hand had reached inside and pulled out...an elder person. The latter was too weak to do anything and had been left behind. No no! I tried to run but my legs refused to move. With a snap, the titan devoured the old man who screamed in such agony that I almost cried. I forced another step and my stomach threatened to throw up my previous meal.

Crippling fear took over me, tremors ran over my body as if I had been plunged in a bath of ice cold water and somehow my chest and stomach constricted. What was this? I grit my teeth holding back a sob of utter helplessness. 

"What the hell are you doing Osiria?" A voice shouted inside my head. Always too late to save them, always seeing these vile demons destroying our home.

Get a grip, get a grip, you're not allowed to be weak.

The moment I forced myself to take extra steps and be outside, the titan turned around and noticed me standing there. It walked to me and I quickly moved away. Why can't I just kill it? I was trained for this dammit! Landing on the ground, I ran in the streets to lose sight of it. The moment I saw my house, I busted inside and looked around. No one was there. Ok! Focus Osiria, you need to kill it, you can't run away. Jean, Armin, Mikasa and the rest are fighting.

Eren died trying to protect us, is this how I'm repaying his sacrifice? By running away?

My eyes scanned the room and then I saw a notebook wrapped in a sheet stained with blood. Why was it...Nevermind, it must be father's. I quickly took it with me, tightened my grip on the swords, ran outside ready to strike when suddenly someone collided with me, lifting me away just in time before the titan's body crashed. That mass would have crushed me if I hadn't been removed. For a moment, I stared at the hideous monster, its blood poured from it neck as the body released steam to start its decomposition.

"Are you alright?" I looked beside me at the tall figure that had rescued me.

"Commander Erwin..."

With both arms, he held me up until my legs stopped quivering with adrenaline.

"I hadn't noticed you were there. My apologies for the scare!"

I failed to find my words for the first seconds.

"C-Commander! I'm sorry for not paying attention. We lost many of our comrades, the civilians are almost evacuated. I suggested Armin and Jean to...

-Calm down! You're out of danger here"

Breathe...Breathe...You have a moment of rest. You're safe. The commander is here. You can still survive.

"I came here...to find survivors, to make sure no one is forgotten".

Erwin cast a glance at my shirt noticing a stain.

"You're bleeding. Are you hurt?"

I looked down and noticed the scarf poking out of my uniform.

"No commander. I retrieved a notebook from father. I was hoping to get some knowledge from his encounter with titans".

He was silent.

"I see. We don't need to lose more of our soldiers now cadet. Please be careful!"

The rain had brought a chill but I could feel warmth growing inside me. The feeling was brutally interrupted when we heard a deep growling scream emanating from the west of the inner district.

Mikasa was there.

"We must go! Stay near me" the commander offered.

I followed him closely from behind. In spite of the current crisis, he seems very calm and focused on his mission. He must have experienced this so often that it no longer frightens him.

There was no living being around and thankfully no titan.

The large bodies we found on our way were the demons evaporating in thin air. The growl grew louder, carrying pure anger. As we arrived, I saw on the other side, on the roof, Mikasa looking at the titan in question. The latter made us question everything we had learned so far. It wasn't looking for us to rip us apart, it was focused on violently massacring two titans on the ground, kneeling on his knees and slamming their head with his fists. It then stood up and growled so loud that he attracted more of them. One by one, he grabbed and smashed with such force that it made my stomach turn.

Commander Erwin was intrigued by what he was seeing. This was the first time a titan had turned against its own. Was this our savior?

Eren... Are you seeing this? Wherever you are, please tell me if this is the hope we were looking for that morning. My heart squeezed in pain, remembering a friend I had lost.

The growling brought more titans but this time he was overpowered. One ripped both of his arms off, and the titan seemed to struggle holding the rest back. The commander noticed and immediately ordered we assist it. Jean was the first to throw himself into battle, the rest and I followed. One of by one, we slaughtered by working together, one distracts, the other attacks.

"Retreat!" ordered Commander Erwin. We all returned on the roof next to him, waiting for his orders.

The titan that had helped seemed to stumble and then hit the ground. It had been defeated in spite of our efforts. Shit! Had we just lost a golden opportunity?

"Captain, what should we do?" asked Armin worried.

"For now, I will need to ask you to work in two groups. Armin Arlert, Osiria Blaese, you will lead both teams. One in search of survivors, the others for any titan hiding in the area. Do not engage in a fight if you believe you are outnumbered and..."

He stopped talking as he looked down at the titan. We all followed and noticed its nape had melted and something or someone was poking out of it.

The person moved and lifted its head and all gasped.

Mikasa's eyes widened and jumped to the ground, making Jean panic for a second. She ran to the titan, ignoring Connie's call to be careful. She just ran and climbed on it before seizing the person in her arms. She didn't move for a moment, searched with her ear for a heartbeat and then burst into tears.

It was Eren.

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