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"What the hell Sasha! You stole meat?

-It's okay they won't notice. We can share it after our shift, imagine what we can make with this piece of heaven" dreamed Sasha, trembling with excitement.

"She's one hell of a kind" I said to Eren, "That will keep us entertained for the day.

-Aha! Thanks Osiria.

-Yeah, Osiria, Armin, help me check this canon out before we position it.


We had been dispatched to the garrison for the next few days, stationed just beneath the gate at Trost district. From this height, we could see Shinganshina. My heart squeezed, it looked so dark and lonely. Memories of my childhood played in my mind. We may have built a new home here but I made the wish to someday return there, and help rebuild the beauty that it was. This time, we would be free from the walls.

The batteries had been installed and were ready for use. Whatever may happen, we were ready.

"We're going somewhere with this. The titans have no chance against us" said Eren enthusiastically.

I looked over at him and smiled. His determination and the beautiful sky behind him was such a hope that...

Thunder struck, and my eyes widened in sheer terror at two huge eyes gawking at us. Everyone froze. Fear and utter shock rooted us on our spot with the colossal titan, the monster that started our nightmare, stared at us mockingly.

A violent wind of steam spurted from its gigantic body and sent us flying from the edge of the walls. It took me 3seconds to react by activating my gear and find my balance against the walls.

"Everyone prepare for attack!" yelled Eren as he passed next to me.

"Don't let him go!" I followed along with the rest of the group. The five of us just set foot on the walls preparing to attack the titan. Eren was floating above it but before we could do anything, its hand came crashing, sliding and throwing away all the canons. We nearly missed colliding with its flesh and tried again.

"Distract him! Eren is trying to reach its neck".

However, as I uttered those words, it released a powerful warm steam. The metal burned and I made the mistake of loosening my grip. The ODM disconnected and pushed me away.


I quickly retaliated and lifted myself up ready to strike with Eren. The sunlight blinded me and I landed on my feet on the wall. The titan was gone and I saw Eren glimb back up to us.

"ungh.. where did it go? It disappeared!"

As he got on his feet, he looked down and gasped in horror.

"Shit! It broke the gate!"

The group panicked. Time was of the essence.

"Eren, we must warn the soldiers. Connie, Sasha, keep an eye on the gate, the rest, load the equipment to block the hole, we must stop the titans from entering, or at least limit the damage.

-Roger that!"

We descended the gate and noticed the commotion starting. Jumping on our horses we ran towards the headquarters, Eren on his way urging the civilians to evacuate.

I can't believe what happened. We just faced the colossal titan but could do nothing to stop him.

Barging into the head commandant's office, we briefed him immediately about the situation. The civilians were to be evacuated to Wall Rose, the soldiers needed to get ready to attack and defend, even us who barely graduated. To my dismay, I was separated from everyone.

"Blaese!" head commandant halted me from leaving.


-The survey corps are on their way to the headquarters. They were supposed to arrive later but considering what just happened they have managed to get here sooner than expected. We need your testimony about what occurred. You might be asked to fight alongside them.

-Yes sir!"

I was guided to a meeting room and asked to wait.

Once alone, the adrenaline that had kept me standing started to wear off and I fell on my knees...

Oh dear God, those eyes, those huge gawking eyes that looked at us. We were just mere ants to them, so easy to crush with a single movement. We had worked so hard to fight them, yet another gate had been destroyed. My hands trembled and I remembered father's words:

"You do not know what you are getting yourself into".


I jumped on my feet and adjusted my uniform. I heard several voices and took a few deep breaths, ready to receive and execute.

The door opened, and head commandant Shadis came first, followed by Commander Erwin Smith, Captain Levi and a young woman wearing goggles. Behind them were soldiers who were asked to wait for their orders.

"Commander Erwin, this is trainee Osiria Blaese who witnessed the attack along with her squad.

-At your service Sir!

-Ah yes, I remember meeting you at night, you were the wandering trainee"

I blushed at that but was quick to dismiss it.

"Commander, we were supervising the gate, and had finished installing the canons, ready to fire for any incoming attack. However, I am unable to explain how to colossal titan appeared. There was a thunderstruck and within seconds, the titan stood inches from us, close enough to blow us away. It is huge but slow in movement. Still not enough time for us to spare the canons or even attack him. The gate has been destroyed and I have inquired the trainees to protect the entrance until the soldiers could intervene.

-I see. Were you able to cause any damage to the titan?

-No sir" I admitted frustrated, "I noticed that it is able to understand. When I suggested the team to distract it while Eren Yeager tried to reach its nape, it immediately reacted by blowing off steam from its body.

-Are you telling me that titans can understand us?" The woman got suddenly so excited that she stood inches from my face.

-ehm I..

-Oy four eyes! Sit down, you're scaring her!

-Aw come one Levi, I can't be that scary in comparison to the titan.

-Hange, this could be useful for your research" declared Commander Erwin, "I would like you, after we have secured the civilians, to discuss further details with Hange Zoe. We need every information about the titans in order to find out their origins and dismantle them. I'm counting on you".

I nodded and was offered to work alongside them for now.

"Osiria, try to gather as much as you can from the titans, your squad is hopefully still alive and out there somewhere. Guide them and return to headquarters.

-I will Hange san!"

Readjusting my ODM gear, I was lifted up in the sky and my gaze caught sight of two titans not too far. Taking out the blades, I prepared for battle, the commander was counting on me.

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