The last silence

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"Keep running! If you are left behind, consider yourself titan food".

It has been raining all night and it hadn't stopped. Covered with our capes, and carrying a heavy back on our shoulders, we were performing our morning run as a warm up. Armin and I were among the last of the team but we quickly picked up the pace, pushed by the wish to discover the world behind the walls.

Weeks of exhausting training had passed; I could feel the difference in my body but considered doing some extra later on. I had gained much knowledge about the titans, and was grateful to have benefited from the education. I could not shake off the idea that these valuable lessons had come with the sacrifice of soldiers on the battlefield. As Eren had said, their sacrifice would not be ignored.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin had also made it. It was said that after graduation, we would be allowed some days rest to meet up with relatives before embarking on the journey for which we would be assigned.

"I'm going home to announce my parents that I will join the military police after scoring amongst the highest.

-Tch! Like that is going to help destroy the titans.

-I don't need your speeches Eren! You think you have a chance to win against them? You've hit your head too many times and are obviously delusional.

-Don't call me delusional Jean! I know what I'm saying!"

Jean Kirstein and Eren had been head butting each other since the training. In the end, they always seem to blow off steam and challenge themselves to get better.

"Jean, Eren, spare your energy for when you return. Whatever we choose, we must be prepared" I advised.

Jean and Eren looked at each other before nodding.

"Everyone!" exclaimed Armin, "the survey corps are going on a mission. Let's go encourage them!"

We exited the training camp and quickly joined the civilians.

Standing our storage boxes, we looked over to watch the squad arriving. There were more people than before, which only motivated us to work harder. Leading the way was commander Erwin Smith.

A civilian called out his name, and he converged slightly to our direction. I seized my chance when we made eye contact and saluted him. He returned the salute with a nod and a small smile before continuing his way to the exit. They were heading for Shinganshina. I hope they would return safely back.

I had heard many things about the commander. The previous one had resigned following the fall of wall Maria. Erwin Smith had quickly gained the soldier's respect. Behind him, they looked motivated and ready to face anything beyond the walls. Perhaps, once we would be dispatched to squads, I would learn more about him.

"Ah!" exclaimed Eren, "there's captain Levi".

Behind Commander Erwin was one woman and a man, who according to Eren was captain Levi. The latter didn't seem to care much about the attention and was rather focused on the mission.

"He's known for being humanity's strongest soldiers. I really hope we can work with them in the future" said Eren visibly excited.

I agreed with Eren. There was so much hope building inside of us that we celebrated by challenging ourselves at the training camp and work on maneuvering with our ODM as best as we could under the supervision of head commandant Keith.

The day had finally come to an end. I had left Mikasa in the shower with Annie and Sasha.

I sat down, dried my hair and noticed a letter on my bedside table.

It was from father.

I unfolded the paper and read what he had to share.

« I'm feeling better...discharged if I take enough rest...

I will talk to the survey corps about a secret concerning the titans...

Please if it becomes too much, return home...Why don't you specialize in nursing?

Fighting titans is also a mental challenge. You do not know what you are getting yourself into. This isn't a simple military training »

« Osiria...

-Oh » i lifted my head and looked at Mikasa, «sorry Mikasa, you were saying ?

-Is everything alright?

-Yes...My father wrote me a letter. He still hasn't been discharged.

-What does he tell?

-He speaks of a secret about the titans. I'm intrigued now ».

She sat next to me and we began discussing fighting techniques, our options after graduation as well as our whereabouts when the titans had invaded Shinganshina.

« Eren's mother was eaten alive by a titan. He watched her be bitten off. It had such a terrifying smile ».

That reminded me of...

« I think I had seen that...I heard such a horrifying scream... »

Mikasa's silence confirmed what I thought. So it was Eren's mother.

I remember that titan. Its smile had sent shivers down my spine. It was so big and yet was a bit far for me to see in its full length. To think that someday I might see it again and have to fight it.

« Let's work hard together to put an end to it" said Mikasa, tearing me away from my thoughts, "I promised Eren I would protect him until my last breath.

-I admire your passion Mikasa, Eren is in good hands with you ».

She blushed and we laughed for a moment, before hearing a door close.

« Annie just left ».


Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well ! After some thinking, I realized following the story 100% is going to take too much considering what a masterpiece it is in terms of plots and details and characters. It would end up in repetition. In any case, there will be a change in how the story of this fanfiction evolves :3 Thank you for reading so far and take care o/


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