"But I'm a Dugray"

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Tristan and Rory sat in the living room awaiting her grandma.
"Oh hello Rory, oh dear where we expecting you?"
"no grandma just a spontaneous visit"
"Good I am glad you stopped by, and who is this"
Emily said gesturing to Tristan.
"Tristan Dugray mam"
Tristan said with a smile and handshake.
"Oh any relation to Janlon Dugray"
"'yes he is my grandfather"
"oh good tell him hello from Richard and I, we'll you two must stay for dinner"
Emily said just as the front door opens.
"Hello Emily I'm home"
Richard said as he was walking in.
"Ok we are in here"
"Aw Rory were we expecting you?"
"no grandpa just stoping by, this is Tristan"
Emily chipped in,
"Janlon's grandson"
"aw a Dugray, we'll you welcome anytime, Rory why don't you run upstairs and we will welcome Tristan in"
Rory agreed but as she walked past Richard she whispered in his ear,
"be nice grandpa"
Richard nodded and invited Tristan to site on the couch, and him and Emily sat on the opposite couch.
"So Tristan are you interested in Rory"
Emily asked very happily.
"We'll yes, and might I say you have a lovely home and granddaughter"
"oh thank you"
They both said, then Rory practically ran into the door frame.
"Hey um Tristan there is this really ornate doll house in my room would you like to see it"
She said as she grabbed his arm and rushed him out of the room before anyone could interject. As they were in the hall upstairs Tristan says,
"wow Mary what's up?"
"I'm sorry I basically handed you to the lions"
"are you referring to your grandparents because is so they were lovely"
He said stopping in her door frame.
Rory said confused.
"Because the last boy I brought here they did all throw him out the door"
"was the last boy you bought here Dean?"
"um yes"
"It's different our grandparents are friends and Dean is well um"
Rory interjected.
"an asshole crazy stalker?"
"um I was going to say not in there group of expectable boys"
"And you are"
She said snakily.
"But I'm a Dugray Mary,that's the difference"
"Ya know you don't have to stay for dinner"
"Do you want me to?"
As Tristan said this he looked at Rory, and when he did she could feel it. He made her feel like tree in the desert, out of place but so beautiful. She tried to play it cool.
"Um i mean like if y-you like want to ya"
Tristan softly laughed and looked at the floor then back at Rory and says,
"Do i make you nervous, Mary"
"What ugh umm no there was a bee, oh no the bee is coming at me"
Rory said as she swatted at nothing.
"I don't see a bee"
"Well then you must be blind"
She said still waving her arms like a maniac.
"Mary, there is no bee"
Tristan said as he grabbed her arm. He looked at her again not just a glance but a look that made her feel special, like if she vanished he would look for her and if he couldn't find her he would cease to exist, Like she actually meant something to him she wasn't just the girl of the week.
As Tristan leaned in to kiss her they hear a loud,
It was the maid the both jumped in to opposing sides of the room.
"There was a bee in her hair"
"Ya a bi-big one two like umm this big"
Both of their statements sounded nervous and unconvincing. If it was anyone but the maid who was over her job at this point they might have cared but she didn't.
"Dinner is severed in the dining room"
She said in a mono tone voice
"Oh umm good we'll be down in a sec"
"Miss Gilmore wouldn't like you two up here alone... but i am not her so i do care"
She said in the same voice it was very clear she was on the edge of what no knows.
"Ok we are coming"
Tristan said following the pore maid.
As they where beginning to sit down Tristan pulled Roy's chair out then scooted in.
"Thank you"
She she said as her eyes tracked his movement from behind her to the chair next to her.
"Aw I have see that you two lovebirds have found your seats"
Emily said excitedly once everyone was seated the question started,
"So Tristan"
Richard said.
"What college do you plan to go to?"
"We'll I'm a Yale man my self but Princeton is a great choice"
Emily chimed in,
"And have you figured out your major yet?"
"Actually yes, law so hopefully one day i can take over my dads firm, if he ever lets me"
He laughs and the Gilmore' soon joined him, as the maid brought out the salad cores.
"Well how long have you been seeing my granddaughter"
Richard says,
"Umm i have been chasing her for months but she just recently gave me a shot"
After that Emily and Richard lightly grilled Tristan more until after dinner when they all retired to the living room and Richard put on a record.
Tristan got up from his seat offered Rory his hand and said.
"May i have this dance?"
She nodded and her grandparents quickly joined in on the fun, as they were dancing Rory whispered in Tristan's ear and said,
"I'm sorry"
"For what Mary?"
He said interested,
"I don't know for taking care of me today for tolerating all of my grandparents question, and for being a really good dancer because you are definitely caring this duet"
He chuckled,
"Do you want to know Mary"
He said looking her in the eye like as if they where the only colored thing in a black&white movie,
"Truthfully i love every single second i am with you"
He said with a smile.

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