I'll be seeing you

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"Hey Tristan"
"Yes Mary"
"Ok umm soo me and my mom always have a mid week movie night and umm do you want to come"
Rory was nervous, she knew he would probably say yes but she was scared of rejection. She never let someone rule her life like this what was happening?
"Ooo meeting the parent, of course i would love to"
"Stop it"
She said lightly pushing him.
"What do you mean Mary"
"I don't know making me nervous, and making me like you"
When Rory said this she looked at Tristan with her puppy dog eyes and he melted, he felt like a mere puddle on the ground waiting to be mopped up. He tried his best not to let it show.
"I don't know what you want me to do mary you must have fallen under my spell"
He said with a smile that he could not contain.
"Aww you cast a spell for me"
"More like on you"
Later that day at Luke's with Lane. Rory recounted the past 2 days events to Lane,
"Wow he did it he has you in the palm of his hand"
"We'll I mean it's conferrable there"
Rory said with a snicker.
"So what did Lorelai say about him coming to movie night"
"Oh shit"
"You did't tell her did you"
"I may have forgot that detail"
Just then none other then Dean walked looked around and he came up to Rory's table.
"Rory will you please just talk to me"
He said as he put his hands on her soldiers,
'Rory do you want him here"
Luke said from behind the counter, she shook her head vigorously.
"Ok it's time to leave buddy"
Luke said as he walked up to Dean
"I'll leave when we are done talking"
He said looking in to Rory's eye, it was at that moment she realized he didn't love her he was obsessed with her.
"Luke please make him go, now"
"Ok you are out of here"
Luke said as he pulled him off of Rory.
"You can't hide for ever Rory, I'll be seeing you"
after he was out Luke said,
"If he puts his hand on you again he won't have any more hands. I am calling your mom"
Rory just sat there she did't know what to do she was paralyzed. Then the bell rang on the door everyone's head turned.
"Coffee please"
It was Lorelai
"Oh good you are here Dean was just here and he threatened Rory but Luke threw him out"
Lane said as fast as she could.
"Oh god hunny i am so sorry"
"She shouldn't go home"
Luke chimed in
"Who are you calling"
Lane said
"The police we are filing a restraining order"
"Good idea, when they get her you and Lane should go pack a back for Rory she is not staying here"
As Lorelai said this Rory just sat there she did't know what to do.
"Wh-wher am i umm go-going"
"How about your grandparents for know?"
Rory could see how much this was upsetting her mom so she said
"Ya know i am sure Dean would never hurt me mom I'll be fine at home"
"Are you sure kid, it's your call"
"I am sure mom"
On the way home
"You know i have that meeting tonight, you want to stay home alone"
"Umm mom can i tell you something?"
"Yes kid what is"
"See umm i invited Tristan over tonight for a movie"
"That actually perfect don't cancel your plans"
"Mom are you feeling ok?"
"Oh do you want me to play the mom card... oh heavens Rory no you will not be see that boy and alone in the house"
She said in a very sarcastic town
"Ugh god no but I love him mom your ripping us apart"
They giggled all the way home
"Hey Juliet your Romeo is here"
"Oh no"
"Oh no? What is it kid"
"I'm not ready"
"Don't worry I'll stall him"
Lorelai said as she opened the front door
"Aww you must be Tristan"
"Mom be nice"
Rory yelled from her room.
"Yes miss Gilmore"
"Oh no we don't do all the high  society crap here, call me Lorelai"
"Umm ok mi-Lorelai"
Just then Rory ran in.
"Ok mom you must be on your way don''t want to be late"
She said pushing her out the door, then slammed it shut and locked it.
"Here I'll take your coat"
"Not necessary Mary"
Tristan said as he placed his jacket on the coat rack.
Rory said as she walked into her living room, 
"So i got red vines marshmallows ice cream and obviously chocolate"
"Hey Mary"
Just then he pulled he closer there Body's  pressed up  against  each other, and he kissed her she felt a serge of energy's go through  her she felt warm and safe in his arms.
"It's perfect... do i smell smoke?"
"Oh no"
Rory ran to the smoke filled kitchen.
"What happened Mary?'
"I forgot about the popcorn"
She said holding a now black paper popcorn bag.
They both giggled and cleared out all the smoke, then they gathered all of there snacks and sat on the couch.
"I think i might throw up just looking at your coffee table"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that i am very excited to watch the movie with you"
"Ya ok"
Rory said as she laid on his chest and snacking on min marshmallows. About a half way through the movie they herd a knock on the door, Tristan knowing the days events he got up to get it.
"Hello are we expecting you?"
"Who are you, where is Rory"
"I'm fine Luke"
Rory said as she ran to the door. Slightly out of breath she muttered,
"This is my umm we where watching a movie"
"Is Lorelai ok with this?"
"Yes Luke ooo did you bring me dinner"
"Oh ya i think there is a burger and pancakes and-"
"Ok Luke thanks"
Rory said as she closed the door
"Soo um who was that?"
Tristan said following Rory back into the living room
"Omg you haven't met Luke"
"Can i have a clue?"
"Oh he owns the dinner down town we go there like every day"
"Oh ok so it's not weird for an middle aged man to show up at your door at ten o'clock at night?"
"Well not for him"
"Wow Mary you got a stomach there"
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No I didn't mean it like that it's just nice to see a girl who actually eats"
Tne they hear another 'knock knock'

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