I couldn't focus on anything

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"Me too"
Rory said as she laid her head no Tristan's chest.
"Well Tristan thank you for coming for dinner, but it is a school night so you best be on your way home"
Emily said nicely
"I'll walk you out"
Then it was just them standing on the porch the only light coming from the cracks in the curtains and the moon.
"How about i come and pick you up tomorrow"
"Sounds like a plan"
Rory was so nervous she could feel her heart about to beat right out on to the pavement. Just then she leaded in to kiss him, and Tristan said,
"Are you sure Mary?"
In all seriousness Tristan could not have been more excited and nervous he had never been nervous to kiss someone. Because kiss never meant anything before it was just for-play before sex, but this time it was different and he didn't want it to be just sex he wanted more then that from Rory.
Rory said very sure of her self. The kiss it was so much better then the last, his lips tasted of strawberry's and he was so gentle and kind. This was there real first kiss or the first kiss that meant something to both of them.
"Goodnight Rory"
He said as he walked to his car, he did't want to leave but he knew that her grandparents were just inside.
Rory whispered as he walked away. She got back inside told her grandparents that she was tired and would be in her room they agreed and she scurried upstairs to call her mom. Once her door was shut she ran to the phone and quickly dilated her moms number.
"Umm yes we do wait first were are you'
"Grandma and grandpa's... ya umm sorry should have called sooner"
"Meh i have done worse much worse, ok whats up kid"
"Ok so i was walking out of school and"
Rory related the days event to a shocked Lorelai
"Ya um ok that would explain the Dean on my porch"
"He is still there?!?!"
"Um ya we'll you obviously don't want him here so sould i tell him to go home?"
"Ya i just can't believe he is still there"
"Ok kid keep me posted i will make sure he it's here when you get home from school tomorrow, just call or page me next time ok?"
"Ok go to sleep you got a big day tomorrow "
"Ok love you mom night"
"Goodnight kid"
Rory laid down she was so happy and excited about tomorrow she could hardly sleep that night. She just kept replaying the days events over and over again and again.
It had been the best day of his life, that's what Tristan kept telling himself, he couldn't believe that it really happen. It must have been a dream it couldn't be real today was to perfect. When he got to the mansion that he called a home his parents had no time to discipline him they were to busy fighting. He went straight to his roo, he sat on his bed and as he did he grabbed a pillow and screamed in to it like a getty little girl who found out she was going to Disney land. He felt over the moon and like he could fly, he had never been excited to go to school til now. He used up all his energy being the happiest he had ever been that he pasted out.
The next morning his alarm when of he would usually snooze it until he was late but not this morning, he practically jumped out of bed. He shower got ready and ate breakfast as quickly as he could he just couldn't wait to see her again. He rushed out the door and ran to his car, there was no time to open the door he jumped in and started the car then he was off.
The morning came and rory was glad she had tortured her self all night with different scenarios and ways the day could go more bad then good at that. So when the clock hit 6:15 she thought it would be ok to wake up. She got up brushed her hair and teeth and put on her now clean uniform and  fidgeted with her hair and makeup until Emily called her for breakfast.
"so how did you sleep?"
"Good grandma you?"
She said in between her bites of pancakes, then a know on the door.
"Who could that be it's 7 in the morning"
"Oh ya sorry I forgot to tell you Tristan is takeing me to school today"
"Aw that's great, Gina invite the boy in"
A few seconds latter there he was standing in the door way,
"Hello Tristan come join us for breakfast"
"No we are going to be late for school grandma, bye"
Rory said and she grabbed his are and took him out the front door.
"How come you keep doing that''
Tristan said almost laughing
"So i could do this"
She said as she laid her lips on his, his lips were so soft she thought.
"We should do that more often"
He said then he opened the car door for her,
"Wow what a gentle man"
Rory said with a snarky smile
"I can be civilized when i try"
He said returning the same smile. The ride there was quite but enjoyable, the radio was playing and the top of the convertible was down. It was the perfect way to get to school. When they got there Rory said
"Walk me to class?"
"Of cores Mary"
As they parted way she felt like a piece of her was walking away with him. After class she began to walk to her locker before she was pulled in to a empty class room she almost screamed before she saw it was Tristan.
"Ya know your going to really sca-"
She couldn't finish her sentence before he had kissed her again and it was just as good as the fist.
"Sorry i had to do that I couldn't focus on anything"

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