"I am going to marry that girl"

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Knock knock, they herd again the knocks were getting harder.
"I'm coming Luke chill"
When she opened the door it wasn't Luke it was Dean
"Can we tal-"
Rory slammed the door and walked back into the living room.
"Are you ok, who was it"
Then 5 more knocks these even harder then the last, it was like a trigger and Tristan knew what was happening and who was at the door.
"I'll be right back"
Rory said as she got up heading for the door,
"No your not your mom told me about this afternoon"
"She did what!!"
Just after that the door violently swung open,
"Rory talk to me"
You could hear Dean's voice from a miles away it was as if his voice was  hooked up to a surroundsound system. she immediately ducked down behind the couch and hoped he could see her. It worked Dean headed to her room,
Rory began to silently cry. She had never been this scared and Dean why is he doing this,
"Ok it's going to be ok lets go come on"
Tristan said holding her hand and quietly taking her though the open front door.
Just as they got in the car there he was like a cheap slasher flick Dean standing in the door way. Tristan pulled out as quick as he could but it was no use Dean ran up to the passenger side door and tried to open it, it was locked. So instead he began to kick and hit the car, he only got a few blows in before Tristan was moving to fast for him to keep up.
"Where should i go, Rory....Rory your ok your safe now"
Even his word couldn't calm her down she was silently hysterical.
"It's ok I promise he won't hurt you"
The 45 min drive was silent, Tristan didn't know what to say and Rory couldn't say anything even if she tried. They pulled in to the drive way of her grandparents house.
That's all Rory could mutter. She definitely did not want to get Ritchie and Emily involved, what would they think and worse what would they do? She was very confused she certainly did't love or even like Dean anymore but at one point she did and that stopped her from absolutely hating his guts. Tristan pulled out and took a couple turns and pulled into a similar looking mansion.
"Come on it's going to be ok i promise"
Rory said in almost a whisper. They got inside and Tristan led her up stares and into his room,
"We're are we?"
"My room"
She sat on his bed and let it out, she cried harder then she ever had. Before she could utter a word of warning it was everywhere, she had thrown up all the candy and marshmallows she had eaten.
"Oh umm let it out it's ok um wow ok"
Tristan didn't know what to do he couldn't take care of her people were still taking care of him. He did the only thing he could think to do,
He said as he sat next to her and raped his arms around her. Rory did't know what to do but her crying slowed, she felt better and safer when Tristan was holding her.
"How about a distraction, let's go finish Willy Wonka"
Rory nodded, Tristan led her into the home Theater and when Rory was sat on the front row couch he said,
"Ok i will be right back i need to grab a bowl"
"A bowl why?"
"Because this is my moms favorite carpet,I'll be right back mary"
He walked in to the lavish kitchen and walked to the phone, after shuffling through the phone book he diled the inn's number .
"Hello Independence inn Michelle speaking"
"Hi i need to speak to Lorelai Gilmore"
He said as he rummaged  through the cabinets looking for a bowl and some crackers,
"Is it something that i can help you with"
"No i need to speak to Lorelai now it's about her daughter"
"Lorelai its for you some one is holding Rory captive"
"Hello this is Lorelai from the Independence inn"
"Hi Lorelai listen we were watch the movie and then Dean was in the house and"
"Where is rory is she ok"
"Yes she is with me"
"That's not what i asked is she hurt?"
"No we are at my house my address is 123 first street"
"Ok i will be there as soon as i can"
She hung up before any goodbyes were said. Tristan walked back into the theater, with a bowl, cup of water and saltine crackers in hand. He handed the items to Rory and plopped down next to her,
"Hey Rory can i tell you so thing and you not kill me please"
"Umm what did you do?''
"I called your mom and she is on her way here"
"Oh I thought you like committed arson or something"
"Ok um oddly specific but Your not mad? I mean I have never called someone's mom but I imagine they would be mad"
"No but i am not mad but I am very cold"
"Oh umm ok I'll go grab you something"
He said jumping up, He returned with a sweat shirt and blanket and gave them to her.
"Aw my Knight in shining armor"
Rory said taking the sweat shirt, she paused for a second and looked at what it said,
"Hartford horse back riding club"
"Ya umm here this is the remote"
"you ride horses"
"um actually my mom owns horses"
"aw big city rich boy shovels horses poop for fun"
Rory said nudging him with her shoulder,
"Um so where were we?"
They watched the last 30 min of the movie before a loued door bell was herd throughout the house,
"That probably my mom"
Rory said as she got up to get the door, and Tristan follow her movement,
"Why are you getting up Tristan?"
"Umm case I'm coming"
"Wow you a true gentleman"
She said mocking him.
"Meh i try"
He said as they exited the room.
"I am going to marry that girl one day"
Tristan said to him self as he followed her.

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