The Surprise

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Luca Paguro the head master called out. Luca stood and walked towards the stage smiling ear to ear. Congratulations she says as she shakes Lucas hand I'm proud of yours she hands him his diploma. From the back of the room Luca heard his boyfriend yelling Go Luca you did it. Alberto stood up and ran to the stage and smiled at the headmaster and she smiled back and said go ahead. Alberto looked at Luca and smiled.

Luca these last 5 years have been some of the most Wonderfull years of my life. The first time I met you I know you were special. The day you became my boyfriend was the best day of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Alberto got down on his knee and looked up at Luca and said Luca Paguro will you do me the honor of marrying me? Luca felt tears running down his face turning his lightly tan skin a blueish green. Yes he screamed pulling Alberto up to kiss him now both boys were crying blue green and periwinkle scales showing on their faces. Alberto slowly slid the ring onto Lucas hand it was beautiful. A gold band with a blue and periwinkle stones. The auditorium erupted into cheers as they watched everything unfold.

As Luca and Alberto walked off the stage people were clapping and cheering shaking there hands and saying congratulations. The boys made their way to where their families were sitting. Lucas mom and dad hugged both them and Massimo stood up and hugged Luca and then looked at Alberto. Today he said you have made me the proudest father In the world.

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