Time to say Goodbye

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Luca was laying in bed just waking up he reached over to where Alberto should be but the bed was empty its been years since he woke up alone. Luca sat up and looked around Beto he called out. There was no answer where could he be he thought. Luca slowly got up and made his way down the stairs to the kitchen. Beto? He called out again nothing. Luca started to get worried this isn't like Alberto. He opened the back door and walked out to the back porch looking over the ocean. As he stood there he noticed someone sitting on the beach below. The waves were brushing over their feet and legs he noticed a periwinkle color he thought. Luca wrapped his robe around him and started walking towards the beach. When he got closer he heard someone crying it was Alberto.

Alberto got a text shortly after 4 from Giulia. Alberto its papa he's in the hospital there was a fishing accident and he got hurt. He's in the hospital in portorosso they're worried he might not make it. Do you think you can make it back? He got up as quite as he could not to wake Luca he was so peaceful when he sleeps. He walked slowly through the house looking at the pictures hanging on the wall. From the wedding he smiled as he saw his dad standing their smiling with a huge smile on his face. He always told Alberto he was proud of him and that he could have asked for a better son. He felt tears running down his face he wiped them off as he continued to walk towards the beach. He had been so happy over the last 5 years with Luca. He was writing music and putting on shows he traveled some but he never left Luca alone. Alberto felt his heart breaking he couldn't lose his dad Massimo was the only person to care for him as a parent. Moments later he heard someone walking up behind him. Beto? Are you ok Luca asked.

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Alberto was sitting there when Luca asked if he was ok. Luca I got a text from Giulia this morning papa was in a fishing accident. Oh no Beto is he going to be ok he asked as he sad down beside him wrapping his arms around him. Alberto started crying and said they don't know if he will make it. Luca looked up at Alberto and saw him crying his tan skin turning that beautiful periwinkle. Luca hated to see Alberto cry. Beto Luca looked up at Alberto and said lets go home we have to be with him he's family. Alberto pulled Luca in and said thank you. Beto Massimo is very important in my life to he saved us plus he's my father in law. Luca helped Alberto up and they walked towards the house. Alberto held onto Lucas just like he did when they first started dating. After 5 years together they still loved each other as much as the first day they met. They packed their bags and drove towards their childhood home. The 3 hour drive seemed like it took forever.

Giulia was pacing back and forth waiting for them to get there. She noticed their car pulling in and she ran through the doors into Albertos arms and started crying. Alberto hugged back trying to hide his tears Luca noticed and walked up to them and hugged them both. They made their way into the hospital and into Massimo's room the only sound was the heart monitor beeping. Alberto hung his head all the memories coming back from when Luca was in the hospital but only this time it was his father the man that took him in and raised him when nobody else wanted him.


Alberto, yelled Massimo. Yes he called coming down the steps into the kitchen. Giulia and Luca were already sitting at the table. Luca smiled and said good morning sunshine grabbing Albertos hand. Massimo smiled and said im so happy you are finally together. Both boys smiled and blushed. What did you need Alberto asked? Well Massimo started over the last 2 years you've lived in my house, helped me fish and deliver fish when Giulia was away. Ive grown to care for you as my own son and if you would have allow me Id Love to make it official and adopt you. He slid papers over to Alberto and smiled. Alberto looked down at the papers and started reading tears welling up in his eyes. Are you sure he asked? Looking up into Massimo's eyes. Ive never been more sure of anything he smiled pulling Alberto into a hug. Giulia smiled and jumped up hugging her dad and her new brother. Luca smiled and looked down not wanting to interfere with their family moment. Luca, Massimo said come here ragazzi your part of this family to he said smiling. Luca smiled and jumped up and hugged them congratulations Alberto he said I'm happy for you. Thanks little star he smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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