Chapter 5

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In a nearby tunnel, the ponies, Akids, and Spike were still rushing through in hopes to find their missing friends. 

"We're getting close" Twilight told the others. "I can feel it" 

"Cynthia... Rarity... Hang on!" Kali said to herself while riding on Twilight's back. 

The gang kept running down the tunnel when they soon heard the sound of crying in the distance. 

"Did you hear that?" Teeders asked the others. 

"It sounded like Rarity and Cynthia!" David gasped. 

"It's coming from down there!" Spike pointed towards another tunnel up ahead. 

As the gang followed the cries down the tunnel they grew louder. 

"Cynthia and Rarity must be in there!" Brock pointed out to a cell door where the girls' cries were coming from. 

"Let's go!" Rainbow Dash said, leading the charge.

Suddenly, a bunch of guard dogs appeared out nowhere ambushing the gang. The dogs roughly knocked the Akids off the ponies. 

"Hey!" The kids glared. 

"More workhorses!" One guard dog said as they put ropes around the ponies' muzzles. 

"And even more human servants!" Another one said about the Akids, picking up Ann by her arm. 

"Stop! Let us go!" Brock glared kicking and fighting, trying to get out of the dogs' grip. 

Applejack wasn't having any of this. The farm pony glared up at the dogs. "Hoh, doggies. If you can take this bull by the horns, you better be ready for a ride"

Applejack started romping around and encouraged the others to do the same. Soon the ponies bucked the dogs right off them, rodeo-style. 

The Akids cheered for their pony friends as the dogs fled. "Way to go, girls!" 

"Yeehaw! Get along, little doggies!" Applejack whooped. 

Just then, everyone heard crashing and clattering coming from inside the cell knowing the girls could be in there and might be in trouble. 

David bravely hopped onto Twilight's back, calling out to Cynthia. "Don't worry, I'll save you my love!"

Spike also hopped onto Twilight, taking a piece of a stalactite in his hand which acted as a sword. 

"I'm coming for you, milady" The little dragon shouted out specifically to Rarity, acting like a brave knight. "Hi-ho, Twilight! Away!" 

The unicorn gave an annoyed look towards the dragon and immature human boy. "And just what do you think you two are doing?"

David now looked a little embarrassed, whispering. "Please, Twilight. Just let us have this"

"Yeah, Twilight. Please" Spike begged, making the puppy dog eyes. 

Ann facepalmed at both David and Spike. "You two are hopeless" 

Twilight soon reluctantly sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine" 

David and Spike came charging in on Twilight like brave knights, busting down the door with the others quickly following behind. 

"Fear not, Cynthia. It is I, you're brave and incredibly handsome knight in shinning armor!" David proclaimed, having to make a dramatic entrance as he dismounted Twilight. 

Spike did the same. "Lady Rarity, I'm here to save you!"

But once the gang had entered the chamber, they were shocked at the sight they saw. There were the Diamond Dogs, running away seeming as they couldn't handle Rarity and Cynthia's antics anymore. 

Cynthia meets the Diamond DogsWhere stories live. Discover now