chapter eleven : i saw Selen one

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Aurora mind was occupied with the grief she felt that she forgot about the things Selene told her about Terrick. An information that will change not just Terrick's life forever but that of the supernatural world as a whole.

Selene is the moon goddess. She is the daughter of Titans Hyperion and Theia. And sister of the sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos

In the time when Aurora was in a coma, Selene had visited her and gave her an information. One that will change our supreme alpha's life forever.


Aurora was in a white room all alone. She felt lost and abandoned. She has been here for days and every time she tries too she only ends up back in the same room. She has been walking in cycles.

Aurora thought she has been in this room just for some few days not knowing that she has been here for years. She sat in a corner thinking why she is here. She wants to go back.

Aurora was deep in her thoughts thinking about her people, her mate and her friend sapphire. Forgetting that they are no more. She doesn't seem to remember what happen to the two people she is talking about. She's was thinking about her kids and didn't see the person who just appeared and was looking at with a gentle smile on her face.

The stranger cleared her throat to gain the Luna's attention. Aurora who just realized that there is someone there with her raised her head to see the beautiful face of the moon goddess staring at her with a gentle smile on her face.

 She was as white as snow her dress so long it trail behind her. Her eyes pitch black as the night sky. Her hair which rested graceful on her waist.

 Aurora was stunned to see Selene. She woke up and bow her head to the goddess, after all she is the creator of all.

  Selene nod her head and gestured for Aurora with her hands for Aurora to take a walk with her. The Luna was about to tell her that the roads lead to no were but Selene spoke first. " child I know what your about to say. Just follow me I have something to share with you" her voice so gentle and soft. Her tone so polite with her smile which is contagious.

 Aurora follow the goddess with no doubt or fear. They walk for almost an hour before before Selene finally spoke " I have decided to do some changes on the land" Aurora who didn't understand her gave her a question look.

  " There is this human girl, she is delicate and special. I like her and I want to Chandler her life for the better. She has suffered enough" explain Selene. Aurora was still confused about what Selene is talking about about. She's talking about changing a humans life but what does that have to do with her?

Selene could understand her thoughts so she explain further to clear her doubt. " it has everything to do with you child. Because your son will be the one to change her life. She will become the Luna." She explain with a serious yet gentle voice.

Aurora was wandering how she could keep her voice so gentle all the time. She still doesn't catch up with what Selene was saying. " i don't get what your saying" The goddess was patient enough to explain over and over again until she understand.

 Aurora is not slow witted but she just can't follow what the goddess is saying. " Aurora the human girl will be Terrick's mate. They will share a bond together and together they shall be able to rule the natural and supernatural world" the realization Finally dawn on Aurora. She stared at the goddess with wide eyes, almost popping out of it's socket.

" but... But that can't be. Terrick hates human and he can't stand them. And plus the humans know nothing about us" she. Couldn't belief what the goddess is saying. How can her son's mate be a human?

" They are going to be a great couple" Selene said with an assuring smile on her beautiful lips. Before Aurora could protest, the moon goddess vanish leaving her alone.

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