Please stay away

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Terrick refuse to give up if he gives up in the fight between his rational side and his primitive side then his mate will suffer.

They fought and alas Terrick's human side subdue the beast in him. His eyes went back to blue, only the supernatural creatures and the little girl Epie who is actually shaken because of the display by Terrick and his beta were able to see his eyes change from blue to red and blue again.

Terrick took slow steps towards his mate but the girl was so scared that she push herself to the wall almost becoming a second skin to the wall. The alpha was so not shocked even if he was in her shoes he would have acted the same way.

But the alpha does not quite if he wants something or someone he gets no matter what.

He walk to his mate even though she tried to stop him from coming closer, Terrick was hell bend on getting what was his even though he had rejected her the moment his mom mentioned her existence to him.

Catrina was so scared of this viscous man who is approaching her "please stay away" she muttered her voice as low as ever, but the alpha didn't stop moving

He walk to her lift her up from the ground and hug her. He hug her so tight but not tight enough to hurt her.

Wolfs especially the supreme alpha have supernatural strength, they are so powerful that if they hold something or someone without care that person or someone will break.

The moment their body made contact there was a spark that erupt from their body, a spark that can be coursed only by the mate bond.

Catrina struggle to set herself free from his tight embrace, she twist and turn her petite figure but to no avail. The alpha is stronger than her and there us no doubt in that.

"Stay still Catrina I promise I won't hurt you" he promise his human mate but the girl still didn't stop, she wants to be anywhere but here.

"Please let me go I want to go from here please"
" I can't let you go I won't let you die again"

Terrick can't tell her why he doesn't want to let her go, she is ignorant of the supernatural world she know nothing about the mate bond and right now is not the right time to tell her about all these.

Catrina still stand her grounds on going from that place she is scared of everyone here especially the person hugging her now.

Terrick let go of her and she tried to run away from him with her injured leg. Terrick scattered his hair in frustration, why is life treating him unfairly? Why is his mate running away from him like he has a disease?

Terrick carried her bridal style and walk to his room, throughout their walk to his room Catrina was yelling to be set free.

Terrick lock her up in his room and went away. Don't judge him it's for her own good, she won't last a day in the forest all by her own, and if she goes back to her realm then her uncle and his family will be set free and they will take her back as her relatives.

Catrina cried her eyes out she doesn't like this place and wants to get away. Why is life so unfair to her? Is this the role she has here on earth? Is this the destiny Selene was talking of? Being locked up in an unknown place?

Terrick went to the balcony to seat an think of his life. Is this how it's suppose to be? He has to lock his mate up in a room just so she doesn't run away from him.

Annex stood beside him looking at fresh flowers in the garden, he didn't look at even look at Terrick even once. There was silence between them for a while before Terrick reside to break it " am sorry about earlier I didn't mean to. My beast was in control " Annex and his mom are the only people he has say sorry to after his father's death.

"I know you didn't mean it, even though you tried to kill me but I understand. It was my fault for not listening to you when you said we should leave your mate alone"

"But still am sorry"
" so where is she now?" Annex change the topic
" I locked her up in my room "
"You did what Terrick? Why lock her up"
"I did that so she doesn't run away from here, she is hell bend on living this place especially me. She doesn't want to see me, she is so scared of me 'chuckles' but I don't blame her. I screwed up big time and to think that the mate bond has no effect on her, she feels nothing for me and I think I have to make her fall in love with me and we the way she feels now that's mission impossible... I have never felt so useless in my entire life" Annex had nothing to say so he pat his back before going inside to go meet Emirate his mate.

Terrick went to the kitchen took some food and went back to his room, he found Catrina crying. She has buried her head on her laps and crying.

Terrick drop the tray on a table in his room and went to her, he knelt down bedside her and pick her up. Catrina was so tired to rebel so she just let him do what he wants, he took her to seat on his bed.

Terrick was happy she didn't rebel or try to run away from him, Catrina just sob silently her tears staining her cloth.

"I should go take a bath and come and eat you must be hungry" the girl just sat quiet without uttering a word.

"Catrina please say something don't stay quiet am not here to hurt but am here to help you" in his entire life he has never begged for something but today here he is begging for attention from his mate.

"Please let me go please I don't want to stay here I just want to go away from this place. I want to go meet my friend 'he' must be so worried about me. Maybe he thinks am dead and is crying his eyes out please just let me go to him, let me go to Rudolf"

At the mention of another man's name Terrick's eyes darken with jealousy here he is trying so hard to make her stop crying and talk to him and here she is thinking of another man, thinking of how he is.

Terrick stood up and lift her from his bed gently so he doesn't hurt her, ho took her to the bath and was about to pull her cloth off to give her a bath when she held her cloths tight as if her life depends on it, she looked really scared.

"Am not going to do anything to you I just want to help you with it seeing as your hand is injured you won't be able to lift it up"

" I'll do it on my own please walk out " Terrick gave out a frustrated sigh before walking out grumbling to himself.

Catrina made sure he was far gone before striping herself naked and taking a bath. The warm water coming from the shower help to ease her tensed body she gave herself a scrub but not to hard to make her skin red, it was even difficult for her to bath with her injured arm.

when she done she twist the facet turning the shower off before limping out of the bath with a towel covering her body.

Fresh set of cloths was on the bed place by Ayra the omega in the pack, she stood waiting for her Luna to come out if the bath so she could help her dress since she is injured.

Being Terrick's mate, Catrina is automatically the new Luna of the pack. Not just the pack but of the entire night creatures, she is to be respected by all course whether you like it or not.

"Lu... Ahhh Catrina mam am Ayra and am here to assist you" calling Catrina Luna now is a very big mistake.....

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