A ghost

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She found herself in a strange room which was so cold she try to move but felt pains all over her body she hiss because of the sting. It looks like her wounds did not heal.
The knife cut is still there very fresh and deep the wounds she got from the belt are still on her body, her body aches.
She step down from the bed and limp to out of the room this place is strange. Where did her uncle keep her body? She ask herself, this place doesn't look like a morgue so what is this place?
It looks like the guards in Terrick's pack are on break there is no one around to see the girl who is suppose to be dead.
Catrina doesn't know were she is going moving around with an injured leg and hand is so not easy especially when you are in an unknown place. The girl feels lost her wounds hurt so bad that tears flow down her cheeks without her concern.
Little Epie was wondering around the pack house and she found herself in front of that door were Terrick's mate is laying. She push the door open and to her surprise the room was empty, she panicked 'where could she be' she ask herself " oh no did someone take her body?"
Epie ran out of the room to go inform the alpha of what has happen, She took a short road to Terrick's room. Epie was walking when she heard light sobs coming from the corridor
". Hello who is there?" She call out
She heard no response she try again "is anyone there?" Something no response but she could still hear the sobs. Epie contemplated if she should go or not, the little girl is brave living part of her life in the street made her a brave child. She brace herself for the worst thing that can happen.
Epie walk gently her footsteps as light as a feather she follow the sound.
She saw a girl supporting herself with wall, she is wearing the same clothes as the girl who is dead, Terrick's mate. Epie got a little scared when she saw her "umm ex.. ex...excuse me" she stutters her her throat feels try and she could feel the ghost pimples on her skin.
Catrina couldn't walk she felt tired and her legs felt heavy too heavy for her to carry. She keeps praying in her heart for her aunt and uncle not to see her she try to raise her left leg but couldn't she whimpered.
Why is the universe against me? I can't live my life in peace and I can't die in peace. Why did Selene bring me back here? I don't want to live I just want to die please let me die. I want to go meet my mommy and daddy I want them to hug me am tell me everything is fine. Am only seventeen but I've hone through a lot mom and dad please come and take me please.
Catrina lean herself on the wall since walking is not an option, she sob causing Selene for making her go through all of this again. When she died she didn't feel pain she had no marks on her hand but here there is pain and endless suffering.
What was my mission here? To go through hell? To suffer and die them come back to suffer again? She ask herself.
She was so drown in her thoughts that she couldn't hear the voice trying calling her from behind.
"Excuse me mam" Epie try to reach out to her again but she got nothing so she did what she had to do even though it was risky, she touch her tapping her on her shoulder lightly.
Catrina turn around when she felt someone touched her the little girl who touched her looks like she has seen a ghost. Her eyes were wide open her mouth slightly a gape she was not moving.
Epie couldn't believe that the dead girl was up and is looking at her right now, do ghost do exist she said to herself. She stood there looking at her motionless.
"Hi dear where am i?" Catrina's voice was low as usual, even though Epie didn't here what she said but she saw her lips move.
She scream at the top of her lungs "ghost a ghost" alerting the guards who were slacking on duty. They were far from the room and couldn't catch Catrina's scent.
Catrina was confused as to why she was referred to as a ghost forgetting the fact that she was dead.
The guards rush to were the heard the the little girl scream. Terrick was in his area the walking around his pack when he was mind link by his one of warriors ( Supreme Alpha something is wrong with the little human girl, we heard her scream ghost. Is like she saw something which scared her)
( am coming) he ran to the pack house to go meet his little friend, you can mess with Terrick but don't ever mess with his family, touching his family is equal to touching your dead.
Terrick ran to the house but didn't reach it as he suddenly stop he could smell Epie but that's not what made him stop. There was this familiar scent which always corrupt his nose and make his brain null, the familiar scent which always makes his beast purr. That scent which will make his best calm but restless at the same time.
That scent which smells like a Sumner rose which just blossom and bloom that smell which belong to no one but his mate. The mate who is suppose to be dead, the mate who was killed by her relatives who are currently behind bars.
How could this be? She is suppose to be dead, is this a prank? Anyone who is pulling this prank on me who not be privilege to see the next sun rise.
His beast couldn't wait to see their mate so he took control shoving the human and rational part of his existence aside and stepping in, letting the primitive and viscous part of him resurface. Terrick's eyes were red, he look very dangerous now.
He walk to were this sweet scent is coming from to go meet and claim their mate.
Terrick didn't like what he saw when he got there his warriors who are all male are surrounding his mate no one is allow to touch his mate. He growl viciously at the people who are around his mate.
Luckily Catrina couldn't hear because she is human but that didn't mean she couldn't feel the dangerous aura emanating from the dangerous looking man who look so fierce.
The guards step back not wanting to anger the already angry alpha but Annex didn't move he was trying to get the human girl of the floor.
In the blink of an eye Annex's body went crashing on the wall, the people around excluding Catrina could here his bone break. The crash left a dent on the wall the sound Annex's body made when it crash the wall made Catrina's body to shudder voluntarily she crawl to a corner to hide herself from this man.
Terrick picked Annex from the floor and held him on the neck pinning him to the wall.
An easy way to kill a wolf is by snapping his neck just one cut on the neck and the wolf is dead.
The hold on Annex's neck was so strong and hard for him to take. He try to reach the alpha through mind link ( alpha please calm yourself I was only trying to help her) but the alpha was far from calming down.
The only one person who can help him calm down is his mother and currently she is in The wind winter pack. A report came in which request her presence so she is absent and is unaware of what is happening in her pack.
I pray his mate can make him calm down or else Annex is done for.
Catrina couldn’t take it anymore she was so scared of what this viscous scaring man can do she tried to talk maybe he would hear her “ please stop that’s enough “ as usual her voice was so low but Terrick heard her still.
He let go of Annex and turn to his mate "am sorry" he apologize with a horse voice which cause Catrina to flinch in fear.
Terrick tried approach his mate but the girl move back pressing herself to the wall, Terrick didn't like her reaction why is his mate running away from him like he has a contagious disease? But he wouldn't give up on her she has to love him and accept him. But isn't the mate bond suppose to make them strong? Make them love each other? Make the feeling to be mutual?
Apparently the mate bond has no effect on Catrina oh Selene what have you done? And Terrick's beast had to make things worst by scaring their mate.
Terrick's sensitive side try to come back but it was block by the primitive side. He is trying so hard to come out but it's impossible to beat his beast, giving up is not an option because if he gives up then the beast will not only scare her but will do worst to her.

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