We're All FREAKS: Chapter 3

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HEy there guys! If you missed it I added more to chapter two (starting right after 'Tom saw the ring.') so go read that if you haven't already. Also, Sorry I haven't uploaded in forever. I just didn't know what to write. (*SECRET* I still don't know what in the world I'm gooing to put down.) Anyways i hope you enjoy whatever I end up writing!


Chapter 3

"Who are we going to ... erm ... invite?" I asked worried. I wasn't sure who he wanted to come. Jared knows half of his friends would screw things up. They'd think it was all one big joke. And I'm not sure if my friends would really do well being there either.

Jared thought about it for a second before answering," Well I guess family is a must. We can both invite a few friends. It doesn't really matter that much to me."

"Ok well this is getting tiring. I don't really know how to plan a wedding and you obviously don't either,"  I giggled, "Let call it quits for today!"

The rest of the nighht went by fast. It always does  when I'm with Jared

The nest day I woke to my alarrm clock beeping. Dang it! It's six o'clock for crying out loud! I unplugged my alarm clock, to tired to find the right button that will turn the actual alarm off. There was no way I am waking up at six in the morning during the summer! I soon fell back asleep.

I was falling, falling through some sort of tunnel. The walls of the tunnel were covered in words. Black on white. Newsprint. I was falling through the morning paper!?

I looked down There was a bright light illuminating from the end of the rolled up paper. It was almost blinding. So strong I had to look back up at the tiny words. As I did so, everything seemed to slow down. I was still falling, but at snails pace. I began to read the print. But something was wrong. It was not the right font. Instead of times new roman it was comic sands. I looked closer.

The words began to rearange themselves as I read them. "Tragic Death" was the headline. Underneath was the sub heading: "18 Year Old Brutally Murdered." But before I could read anymore my slow fall dropped and I zoomed down closer to the blinding light. I was going to fall into the light!

But instead, my fall slowed again. I was practically floating in mid air. As I tried to compose myself, I looked up to see, a picture of Jared. It was a picture that the yearbook comittee had taken last year of him working at a bake sale. I was slightly confused. Why was that picture in the newspaper? He didn't even like that bake sale much; I had to force him to come. Then I read the caption bellow.

"Jared Taylor was brutally stabbed to death. Murderer unkown." What? NO! That's not right, he was just over at my house a few hours ago! Before I could read any of the passages I dropped once more. This time into the light. But it wasn't blinding anymore. Infact it wasn't a light anymore.

It was Jared's room.

I was laying on his bed, but I didn't feel him next to me. I sat up and looked around. It appeared to be that he wasn't in the room. But then I looked down.

Jared's body lay limp upon his floor. His white shirt ripped and soaked in red. His back was facing me, so his hair, now stained crimson with his blood, covered his face. I slid of the bed to get a closer look. After slowly walking around him, I nealed down. His face was almost as cut up as his shirt. Huge gashes sliced through his face, almost dry now. I had too look away. Looking back at his bed. I noticed the sheets I were just sitting on were also drenched with Jared's blood.

Not able to handle it any long, I collapsed on top of his lifeless body. My whole face wet with tears. I squeezed my eyes shut and held to Jared. How could this have happened?

I soon felt as if I were spiralling. When I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything but a dark red.

I snapped up in my bed. What just happened? Oh my gosh, did Jared really die?! HOLY CRAP! I began to hyperventilate; since I was pretty much already out of breathe. And Then I remembered the comic sans newspaper.

Thank god that was just a dream.

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