We're All FREAKS: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wow," I said, still in shock. Was this really what I thought?

Jared grinned. He already knew what I was thinking but said it anyways, "So Jami, will you marry me?"

There was so much to think about. We were just out of high school, for God's sake! How would I go to some college in a completely different state, probably miles away from where ever Jared's going, and be married? Even worse, what would Tom think? He may just be my older brother, but Tom is the closest think I've had to a parent ever since my real ones left us.

"Uhhh. Sure," He could tell I was worried about the effect long term. I saw the smile fade from his face, and I could tell that he'd thought about this a lot. I tried to explain, "I'm not sure what Tom will think. I don't want to make him angry"

"I understand," Jared seemed to almost regret what he had done. He looked at the lid of the box laying upside down on his bed.

Looking at his expressing, I realized he didn't really understand what I had said.


He looked up at me. His brown eyes staring at me intently, "What?"

"I said yes. I'm going to marry you. Screw college! We may be poor old freaks living on the side of the street, but at least we'll be happy!" I got up from sitting on his bed and slid the thin little ring on my finger. I grabbed is wrist and pulled him up, too. Smiling, I explained the real problem to him, "Now we have to tell your mother!"

Laughing Jared said, "She already knows. If she hadn't already approved, I'd be murdered."

"Nice. Then I guess Tom is next."

I didn't really want to be alone when I did this. I'm not really sure how he would react. Tom gets stressed easily because he's had to be my parent since age 18. I don't blame him, either. It has to be hard taking care of to people when you've never had any experience before. Tom's never even gone to college, so it makes thing really tough on him sometimes.

As we walk back out of Jared's house, his mom smiled at us. Obviously, she knew that he would tell me today.

We walked past his car; the trip was too short to waste the gas. I'm not really sure why we took it to his house in the first place. Oh well, who gives a care anyways. I'm gonna get freaking married!

As we approached my drive way, i suddenly felt very hesitant. What if Tom freaked out and told me I couldn't marry Jared.

"It's such a nice day, let's go to the park first!" I was so pathetic. It was so obvious that I was trying to put back breaking the news to Tom, and Jared could tell too. He pushed me forward and up the steps to the door. I stood their staring at the red peeling paint on my door

"Fine. Be a wimp," Jared teased, "I'll open the door."

Slowly stepping in, I noticed that Tom was on the couch watching TV. Now I couldn't try and slink off to my room without being noticed. Not that Jared would let me, but still.

I passed by, pulling Jared along trying not to be noticed. But Jared squeezed my hand and stood in place, making me stop in my tracks. Tom looked up.

"Hey Jami," He said. Luckily, he didn't notice anything different.

I found it useless to try and hide it much longer while Jared was still with me, though. As mad as he may be (hopefully he would be happy and excited for me instead but I doubt it), I didn't want to but it off. That would just piss Tom off more. But as I stood there like an idiot biting my lip and twirling a strand of blue hair, I could tell Tom was getting suspicious. I had to think of something fast.

"Hey," I said waving my left hand at him.

Tom saw the ring.

"Jami... What is that?" Tom pointed at my hand. I looked at Jared hoping he would help me out.

"Ummm ya. I purposed to her," Jared explained. I could tell he was feeling a little awkward now, too.

Tom looked us over. He looked pretty shocked. He wanted to be happy for us, I know he did. But it was obvious he had the same questions running through his mind as I did earlier.

We stood there for at least 15 minutes in this awkward silence. Jared and I anxious for a response.

Finally Tom fazed back into reality, "This is for real, isn't it?"

I nodded slowly.

"Well ok. I guess I'll just have to except it." Except it? That's it? I mean it's better than heck no but I just don't get how he understands?

"Thank you so much, Tom!" Jared said as he pulled me up to my room. We had to escape before Tom changed his mind.

"What do we do now?" I asked cluelessly. I never payed much attention to that sort of thing.

He laughed, pushing back my curtains to let some light into my room. "I guess we have to plan a wedding."

"I see. And where will that take place, exactly?"

"I dunno," Jared replied, shrugging. He then took to sitting down at my computer and googling up the answer. "How about, Hefner Park?"

Hmmm. Hefner Park was nice. It had a big open space in the center and just the perfect amount of trees. I'm sure tons of people would be able to come... OH CRAP!!! We have to actually invite people! What is everyone going to think of us. Getting married at our age is sort of, well, strange.

Oh well, screw them. We are getting married and there is nothing else to it!


Ok end of chapter! Please comment and tell me what you think. It would also be nice if you fan me but I'm not forcing you next chapter is being typed as we speak (sort of)! Well that's it


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