We're All FREAKS: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

"Hello, HELLO?" Jared Taylor screamed my my face. I just continued to ignore him, laughing all the while. 

"Can you even hear me, or is your little emo music too loud?" he said jokingly. Of course my music was so quiet i could barely hear it, but he didn't need to know that. As ther bus slowed down, he grabbed my hand, "Come on, it's our stop." 

As we walked down the street, Jared continued to tease me. I just fallowed along giggling the whole time. 

From afar I bet we looked like the perfect couple. Laughing and smiling as we continued down the street. Our hands interlocked swinging back and forth. But once you got closer we look like a bunch of crazy freaks. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, too. 

I guess we seem kind of emo or punk in our tight skinny jeans and stud belts. My hair was dyed so many times that it looks like a rainbow throuugh up. Jared's isn't much better, though, with the tips of his spikey brown bangs dyed bright red. Bracelets cover our arms. But honestly, we could never be emo, scene maybe, but not emo. Jared and I are just to plain happy. 

As we got to his house we hugged and I walked along. I pulled my head phones up from around my neck and turned my ipod back on. As i listened to "I was Born a Unicorn", I smiled the rest of the walk home, thinking about the wonderful day I had. 

When I got home I dropped my neon yellow backpack on the floor next to the door and ran up to my room. I was so glad school was over. No more high school for me, no sir! I know I should be worried about college and all but I'm pretty smart. In the mail I've already got 3 scholarships, now all i have to do is choose. 

As I pushed back the beaded curtains that replaced the door to my bed room, I turned on my stareo. Matchbox 20 began to blast out. 

I then proceded to take out my contacts. After a few minutes my cell phone buzzed. The rest of the night I texted Jared. 

The next day, Jared picked me up in his red toyota camry. 

"Hey Jami, I want to do something different today," he said with a smirk. I didn't really know how to reply so I just smiled back and jumped in the car. 

When we arrived to our destination I noticed that it wasn't different today at all. Looking up at his house, I was almost confused. Why is this different? We hang out here all the time. Oh well, I geuss I'll find out soon. 

I waved to his mom as we passed his kitchen on our way to his room. She glared at my The Ready Set shirt. His mother never understood my style I guess, but other then that she always seems fine with me. 

"Come on!" Jared had to pull me half way down the hall to his room. i had zoned out and was looking at a painting of Marocco on the wall. 

The Beatles were already blasting through his speakers. Jared never turned off his music. It was almost always a John Lennon song. He owned every single record of him and The Beatles. Honestly, I don't know how he never gets sick of them. Then again how could you get sick of a classic? 

"So what's so different about this?" I asked, still very confused, "Did you get the whole Beatles box set off of iTunes?" 

"Actually, yes! It was just released," Jared cracks me up sometimes, "But that's not it. I have a surprise for you." 

"Uhhh. You didn't have to" 

"No this is important to me, your important to me, Jamie," Jared said. He seemed serious, which kind of freaked me out. 

Jared really loves me. Its not that hard to tell either. But when he tries to be all sentamental, or whatever, he completely fails. He is so crazy and silly all the time that I'm not used to him any other way. 

Obviously he could tell I was confused and alittle freaked. Smiling he said, "Hold on," and ducked into his overflowing closet. 

A few minutes later he emerged from the jungle of clothes with a black box. 

It wasn't big; the box was about the size of my palm. All the same I was slightly worried to take the box from his hand. There was a little bow on it that was my hello kitty hair clip. I need to stop leaving stuff at his house. Instead of reaching for the box, still slightly scared of what was so different about this, I reached for the bow. 

Jared laughed at me as I clipped it back in my hair, "The box is yours to, don't worry!" 

I have to admitt i was being silly. He's given me stuff all the time before. I don't know what I was so scared of. i guess it's just that he said it was different. Shrugging, I grabbed the little black box that now had a little wad of tape on the top from where my hair clip was. 

Slowly I lifted the lid, looking up every so often to see Jared smiling world's biggest smile while nodding me on.

Once I pryed the lid off, I was smiling too. Only I was completely shocked at the same time. As I lifted the white thin tissue paper awy my smile dissapeared. I was gaping in complete shock at what he had placed inside of the black box. As I looked up, I saw that Jared was about to burst with happiness.  

Underneath the frail tissue paper was a small silver dimond ring. 


I know it's not much but I'm working on it. I don't have a true story line either so the description is kind of vague. Please leave coments onn how the story should go! Thanks for reading. Peace

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